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Media policies

SIR Annual Scientific Meeting media policies

SIR is pleased to welcome members of the media to its Annual Scientific Meeting. Media who wish to attend the SIR Annual Scientific Meeting must abide but the following policies.

Media eligibility

Media credentials are available only to working journalists (editorial staff of newspapers, magazines, medical or health care publications; broadcast or web-based media, including bloggers) whose attendance at the meeting may result in print, broadcast or electronic coverage of the SIR Annual Scientific Meeting events, the society or its individual members. SIR Annual Scientific Meeting registration fees are waived for working journalists who meet the above qualifications.

To obtain media credentials, working journalists may be required to provide identification, such as a business card or a letter of assignment, and bylined articles as proof they meet the qualifications. 

SIR does not issue media credentials to: a publication’s advertising, marketing, public relations or sales representatives; publishers, editors or reporters from manufacturers; public relations staff of exhibitors; writers creating analyses or reports sold as a business commodity to customers; or other individuals who are not actually reporting on the meeting. 

Issuing credentials is at the sole discretion of SIR’s communications staff. Any individual with a press badge who violates SIR’s press badge criteria will immediately forfeit their media credentials.

Advance media registration

Advance registration is strongly encouraged. Journalists interested in attending should contact SIR communications department staff by phone at (703) 691-1805, (703) 460-5572 or via email at to register.

On-site media registration

Media must check in at the newsroom, located in convention center, to pick up their credentials and meeting materials or to register on site (not at the main registration center). A business card or other proof of identity may be required to obtain credentials.

Television, video crews and photographers covering the meeting are required to check in immediately in the newsroom and must be accompanied by a newsroom representative when shooting inside the convention center. Shooting schedules and on-camera interview requests should be scheduled in advance to ensure availability of interviewees and SIR communications staff. Media may not photograph or videotape an exhibit booth without permission of the exhibitor and SIR.

Press badges

Press badges, which are available for registered journalists meeting eligibility requirements, must be visible at all times to attend scientific presentations, general sessions, research poster sessions or the exhibit floor.

Media access

Media may access scientific presentations, plenary sessions and educational and technical exhibits during posted hours. However, media are prohibited from reporting on any materials labeled (either in print or by verbal cue) as “morbidity and mortality” or “M&M” content. All M&M presentations are off the record and not for attribution. The prohibition on M&M reporting extends to social media. Members of the media are required to sign a disclaimer agreeing to this condition.

Private areas, networking events, society business meetings and events are reserved for SIR representatives and designated professional attendees. SIR retains final authority in all issues of access. Questions regarding media access should be directed to newsroom staff.

Newsroom access

Access to the SIR newsroom is limited to registered journalists and SIR members who are invited by SIR communications staff to participate in an interview or news briefing. SIR provides internet access and an area to conduct media interviews.

Scientific papers, posters, slides and images

Reprinting of scientific abstracts and posters is strictly prohibited. Photographic or video reproduction of scientific presentation slides or scientific posters for publication without permission of the presenter is strictly prohibited.

Journalists who want to use slides, graphs and other images to illustrate coverage must have the presenter’s permission. Newsroom staff can assist in contacting presenters. Media may be given copies of scientific presentations and are permitted to capture images of slides and posters as background for reporting accuracy only.

Please alert SIR communications staff if you will be filming/interviewing presenters for articles that provide CME credit through your media outlet.

Embargo policy

The official release time for materials presented during SIR news briefings is the date and time listed on each press release. News media are responsible for verifying those times and publishing appropriately. Media in violation of these rules may be required to forfeit their press credentials.

Audio/visual reproduction and photography

Videotaping or photography requiring flash devices, special lighting and/or bulky equipment is prohibited while sessions are in progress. Non-flash photography and audio taping, if done in an unobtrusive manner, is acceptable when permission is obtained in advance from the speaker(s) and the SIR newsroom staff. Please note: All camera crews must be accompanied by a member of the newsroom staff and must provide their own energy source.

Filming scientific presentations/plenary sessions

Television and video crews and photographers must be accompanied by a newsroom representative when shooting in scientific sessions. Requests for photo escorts should be emailed to as soon as possible, but not later than 7 days prior to the meeting start. As a courtesy to presenters, television and video crews must obtain the permission of the speaker and moderator before shooting presentations.

Video/photo regulations

Special audio/video requests, including arrangements for taped interviews, must be submitted in writing to SIR communications department staff as soon as possible, but not later than 7 days prior to the meeting start. Please email audio/video requests to

Electronic equipment/power source

Media may not affix taping devices to the speaker, lectern, speaker’s table, microphone or convention center power source during scientific or plenary presentations. Audio recordings are to be used for reporter notes only.

Exhibitor media information

As a convenience to journalists, news releases and other information from exhibitors will be displayed on a designated table in the newsroom. Please note: SIR neither reviews for accuracy nor endorses exhibitor news materials. Exhibitors interested in displaying news releases in the SIR Annual Scientific Meeting newsroom should contact for requirements, not later than 14 days prior to the start of the meeting. 

It is the policy of SIR not to make public the meeting’s registered media attendees.