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Abstract status policy

Accepted abstracts, both original scientific research, and educational exhibits, were adjudicated by the Annual Meeting Committee and reviewers, and are fully published in the JVIR and may not be withdrawn.

Publication of abstracts in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology

  1. Original Scientific Research abstracts accepted for SIR 2023 will be published in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (JVIR); March 2023 Supplement.
  2. Educational Exhibit abstracts accepted for SIR 2023 will be published online‐only, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (JVIR); June 2023 Supplement. 
All abstract presenters (oral and poster) will have the responsibility to upload their presentations in accordance with SIR’s instructions and failure to comply will violate your abstract agreement. As such, SIR may consider professional sanctions up to and including exclusion from the SIR scientific program for a period of up to three (3) years.

An abstract author is welcome to submit their abstract to a different meeting. The author will need to disclose if asked during that meeting’s submission process, that the abstract was accepted for the SIR 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting and published. For any direct inquiries, please contact

Financial disclosure

All authors are required to disclose at the time of abstract submission whether or not any financial relationship exists with any commercial interest that creates a conflict of interest within the 24 months preceding the SIR Annual Scientific Meeting. The financial disclosure information you provided at the time of abstract submission is made available to attendees online. In order to strengthen the society's disclosure policy, please provide a disclosure slide at the beginning of your presentation indicating your relevant financial relationships, even if one does not exist, and be sure to inform the audience of any changes to your disclosure information since the time of abstract submission.

Off-label use policy

The FDA, which has the legislative mandate to regulate the pharmaceutical and device industry, is concerned about the possible public health consequences of unrestricted discussion of off-label uses of drugs and devices. SIR requires that all speakers disclose to the audience any off-label uses during presentations or discussions. (Refer to the SIR Policy on Off-Label Use of Devices and Drugs.) In addition to verbal disclosures, presenters are also asked to include off-label use disclosures on an introductory slide.

Publication policy

Due to the increase in the number of qualified abstract submissions, SIR has increased the overall acceptance rate. However not all accepted abstracts will be published in the Annual Meeting supplement to JVIR. In keeping with the mission of JVIR, only original scientific abstracts, both oral and ePoster, will be published in the JVIR supplement. Educational exhibits, both traditional poster, and ePoster will not be published in the JVIR supplement. All accepted abstracts will be available for viewing on and in the SIR 2023 meeting app.

The Annual Meeting Committee and JVIR's editorial office strongly encourage you to submit your full manuscript for publication in JVIR. Article submission information will be provided in your abstract acceptance notification.

To submit your manuscript and for author information, please go to For submission-related questions, please email the submissions management team at

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that your abstract is not published prior to the work being presented at SIR 2023. SIR reserves the right to offer a publication waiver on a case-by-case basis.  If you are seeking a waiver, please contact Dilyana Williams, Annual Meeting Program Manager. 


Abstract presentations are limited to seven (7) minutes with two (2) minutes for questions and answers. The moderator will be instructed to interrupt the presentation if you do not abide by this time allocation.

Preparation of visual aids

  • Keep data on slides simple. If there is an abundance of data, divide it into several slides. No more than seven (7) text lines should be used on a slide.
  • Simplify material on the slide to illustrate a single point or idea. The content of a slide should be able to be comprehended in 20 seconds.
  • Color is attractive on data slides, but only use light colors such as white and yellow on a dark background, such as dark blue or black. Do not use colors such as red, purple, orange, or green for lettering or background. Colorblind persons cannot distinguish red letters on a blue background. Please avoid this combination.
  • For black and white data slides, white on a black background is better than black on white background.
  • The type size must be big enough to be seen from the back of the room (about 50 feet).
Patient confidentiality must be protected. Please be sure there are no names, or other identifiers, on the slides.

The advertising of products is prohibited. Be sure your slides have no commercial messages such as company names or logos.

Hints for oral presentation

  • Organize your oral presentation in a logical sequence, similar to your abstract construction to reflect the scientific method. Balance your presentation over four parts: Purpose, Methods and Materials, Results, and Conclusions (Discussion).
  • Do not cover too much ground. Leave the fine details for publication. Administer your message appropriately. Discuss only the major points of your work, supported by the conclusions drawn from your data. Do not repeat detailed information that is contained in your abstract, other than results. Remember you are trying to communicate with the audience in a limited time. A rushed presentation is of no use to the audience or your reputation.
  • Write out your presentation and practice it in an auditorium with a critic. This may help to organize your material.
  • Continue to practice and edit your presentation until you can deliver it clearly and understandably in the time allotted to you. If you exceed the allotted time, the moderator may be forced to interrupt your presentation.

At the meeting

A lectern and microphone will be provided at each lecture. Speak directly into the microphone in a normal voice and do not handle the microphone while speaking. If you turn away from the microphone, your voice may not be heard by the audience.