Attending Emergency Physician
Istanbul, Turkey
Erkan Gunay, MD, MPH, EBCEM
Attending emergency Physician
Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research hospital
Department of Emedgency Medicine
I am a European Board Certified Emergency Physician currently practicing at a teaching academic center in Istanbul, Turkey. My background includes serving as an attending emergency physician and director of emergency department in various hospitals in Turkey. Previously, I worked at high-volume emergency departments for government owned teaching hospitals in Istanbul and Izmir. In these positions, I was working as an attending emergency physician and my responsibilities included patient care, resident training and clinical research coordination.
I have a public health master’s degree from Case Western Reserve University with a major in global health. Also I finished emergency preparedness fellowship at SUNY Downstate Medical Center (DMC). During my fellowship I have finished the emergency management certification program at NYCEM and worked part time at the NYC DOHMH.
My main academic interests include disaster medicine, public health and global health.