Fellow of Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD, United States
Dr. Keith Kleinman is a second year fellow in the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Johns Hopkins Univerity in Baltimore, MD. Originally from Philadelphia, he traveled to Dickinson College for undergrad and then onto Boston University School of Medicine for a Masters of Arts and medical school. He completeled his categorial pediatrics residency and chief residncey at the Johns Hopkins University Harriet Lane Pediatric Residency program. He was the co-editor of the Harriet Lane Handbook 22nd Edition.
He has been involved in several research studies accross multiple disciplines. The first was a quality improvement initiative to improve patient flow from the Pediatric Emergency Department to the inpatient floors, that resulted in a statisicially signfiicant decrease in ED boarding time (https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/145/6/e20191477/tab-figures-data). He has married his interests in technology and medicine by working on several studies evaluating novel applications of electronics in clinical pediatrics. He is highly proficient in a broad array of consumer electronics, augmented/virtual systems, cloud-based computing, internet of things devices, and general aspects of healthcare information technology. His current focus is on improving the quality of pediatrirc CPR using mixed reality devices.
He plans on practicing pediatric emergency medicine in an academic pediatric hospital after the completion of his fellowship program.