The Auburn University - Stormwater Research Facility (AU-SRF) is an outdoor research center dedicated to evaluating ESC practices and products used on highway construction projects. Large-scale test apparatuses and methods at the AU-SRF are designed to mimic construction site conditions, including rainfall, flow rates, topography, and soil characteristics, to evaluate existing and novel ESC practices. Since its conception in 2008, the AU-SRF has provided small-, medium-, and large-scale testing evaluations for numerous Departments of Transportation and product manufacturers. Findings from controlled testing have continued to inform the selection, design, implementation, and maintenance of ESC practices used on construction sites and protect downstream waters and infrastructure. In the first decade of its existence, the AU-SRF has directed 13 research projects, directed $2.5 million in research funding, and produced more than 30 peer-reviewed publications and 100 professional presentations. As the AU-SRF grows into its second decade and efforts reach outside of the southeastern region, the mission to advance knowledge through ESC research and development, product evaluation, and training remains constant. This review synthesizes the research produced from large-scale testing at the AU-SRF to date and presents ongoing projects and capabilities.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the mission, capabilities, and advancement of the Auburn University Stormwater Research Facility.
Interpret findings from erosion and sediment research projects that occured at the Auburn University Stormwater Research Facility.
Apply findings from research to improve design, installation, and maintenance of erosion and sediment control practices on your project.