Professor university of catania catania, Sicilia, Italy
Aim: The objective of the present study was to compare the static and dynamic cyclic fatigue resistance of two new files. Procodile Q, left-cutting heat-treated (Komet, USA) and OneCurve, heat-treated C wire rotary file (MicroMega). Material and
Method: 20 files of each brand were tested at body temperature in an artificial root canal with a 60° angle curvature and 5 mm radius. Both the static and dynamic cyclic fatigue test used 10 Procodile Q files and 10 OneCurve files. For the static cyclic fatigue test, files rotated at 300 rpm until fracture occurred. For the dynamic cyclic fatigue test, files freely rotated in a up and down motion 3 mm from the end of the canal until fracture occurred. The time of fracture was recorded.
Results: Data analyzed three variables: Test, instrument, and interaction variables on two-way ANOVA. Procodile Q files exhibited higher fracture times in both, the static and dynamic test, with a significant difference (p=0.0002) when compared to OneCurve files.
Conclusion: Procodile Q files demonstrated significantly higher time of fracture when compared to OneCurve files in both static and dynamic cyclic fatigue tests. Results were more significant in the dynamic cyclic fatigue test, representing a better clinical performance when motion is applied during cyclic fatigue test at body temperature in curved canals.