Resident University of Minnesota School of Dentistry Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Abstract: In order to accomplish successful endodontic treatment, effective mechanical debridement and chemical disinfection of the root canal system are necessary (Schilder, 1974). When the internal anatomy of human teeth exhibits severe curves or bifurcations, our ability to clean and shape the canal becomes more difficult. Perforation, apical transportation, or apical zipping becomes more likely and may result in the inability to negotiate a curved canal or an incorrect working length, compromising treatment success. Case management of teeth with severely curved canals often requires extra time and patience in order to avoid these unwanted iatrogenic errors and may require more than one appointment. HyFlex® Controlled Memory NiTi files are extremely flexible but without the shape memory of conventional NiTi files, giving them the ability to follow the anatomy of the canal very closely, thus reducing the risk of ledging, transportation or perforation. Utilizing Dr. Chaniotis’ Tactile-Controlled Activation (TCA) technique in conjunction with HyFlex files allows one to successfully treat teeth with complex anatomy. Importantly, the assertion has been made that the shape and strength of these files, when straightened, can be restored during autoclaving and then safely reused. Our presentation will not only demonstrate effectiveness of the TCA instrumentation technique but also the ability of HyFlex CM files to regain their strength and flexibility after autoclave sterilization, for 2-step procedures. We will also investigate other possible methods of heat treatment to help regain the shape and strength of the files if straightened chairside.