Avalon Biomed is the only US manufacturer of bioactive bioceramic (MTA) products including NeoSEALER® Flo, NeoPUTTY® ,NeoMTA 2® and the original NeoMTA Plus® – winner of the Dental Advisor’s top and preferred product award for the past 6 years. These products have a variety of uses in vital pulp therapy and endodontics, including root canal sealing, root-end filling, apexification, obturation, resorption, perforation repair, apexogenesis, pulpotomy and cavity liner/base, direct pulp capping/partial pulpotomy, and indirect pulp capping. Since 2013, Avalon Biomed’s goal is to deliver smarter bioceramic materials to improve oral health across the world. This was the vision of our founder, Dr. Carolyn Primus, inventor of Dentsply’s White ProRoot® MTA and is still our vision today. Combining Dr. Primus’s focus on developing state-of-the-art bioceramic dental materials with Avalon Biomed’s extraordinary customer care, Avalon Biomed strives to bring the most advanced and versatile bioceramic endodontic materials to you and your patient. Avalon Biomed is headquartered in Houston, Texas and its products are sold in over 15 countries around the world.
Avalon Biomed
3315 W. 12th Street
Houston, TX 77008