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009 - Comparing the efficacy of different methods of prophylactic arterial occlusion in PAS patients undergoing C-section
026 - Role of Interventional Radiology in the Management of Cervical Ectopic Pregnancies
049 - Novel Method of Percutaneous Embolization of Intrauterine Pseudo-aneurysm using Onyx Embolic System
074 - Why So Vascular? Endovascular Management of a Complex Vascular Lesion in an Obstetric Patient
083 - Presence of Cervicovaginal Arterial Branches in Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE): Clinical Significance and Outcomes
085 - Urgent Pelvic Venous Insufficiency Treatment in Lieu of Hysterectomy for Blood Loss Anemia in Pregnancy
089 - Superior Hypogastric Nerve Blockade to Reduce Pain After Uterine Fibroid Artery Embolization: A Systematic Review
110 - Efficacy of Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) for Large Fibroids: Clinical Outcome Correlations and Volumetric Changes
111 - Uterine Fibroid Embolism (UFE) Clinical Outcomes in Large vs Small Fibroids: A Matched Cohort Analysis