Supervisory Forensic Operations Specialist FBI Technical Hazards Response Unit Quantico, Virginia, United States
This session will use multiple FBI case histories to present current operational processes used by the FBI during response to forensic crime scenes involving hazardous materials/CBRN. Topics will include risk based CBRN response, the challenges of hazmat operations in a Federal Law Enforcement setting, operational differences between public safety sampling and hazardous evidence collection, the use of detection equipment for classification vs. identification at CBRN crime scenes, embracing technology to improve decontamination, PPE, and D&M processes during evidence collection operations, the integration of public safety hazmat teams into FBI hazmat operations at Federal crime scenes, the NFPA 470 vision is regards to evidence collection vs. public safety sampling, and accessing forensic evidence from complex technical environments (confined spaces, excavations, elevations, post blast, etc. )
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the session, the learner will recognize the primary differences between sample collection performed by public safety hazmat agencies and evidence collection performed by law enforcement agencies.
Upon completion of the session, the learner will recognize the roles for public safety hazmat response personnel during Federal crime scene operations.