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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I register? What are the registration rates?

Reistration is now open.  Please click on the registration link.

Am I eligible for member registration rates?

2023 SCMR Membership is required to qualify for the discounted SCMR member rates. If you do not renew your membership or join the SCMR for 2023, you will be charged the non-member rate. For membership questions, please contact

How many CME credits are awarded?

CME/MOC/ASRT Credit information will be available as we approach the meeting date.

What browser do you recommend using to watch on-demand content/virtual case presentations?

Google Chrome is recommended. 

Will the virtual case presentations be recorded?

The virtual case presentations will be recorded and available on-demand.

How long will I have access to the on-demand content/recordings for?

You will have access to the content for 90 days (starting from the first day of virtual case presentations).

Is a mobile app available?

A mobile app will be available two weeks prior to the conference.  

Is there funding available to help with registration costs?

The SCMR will be offering a limited number of travel grants to registrants in need of assistance to travel to San Diego.  In order to apply for a travel grant, you must have an accepted abstract at the meeting.  Additional information is available under the Travel Grants Page.

My question is not listed here. Whom do I contact?

Registration Questions:

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