Welcome to the 26th SCMR Scientific Sessions, the premier opportunity to advance your knowledge in cardiovascular magnetic resonance, showcase your work, and network!
The four-day event includes lecture sessions by world leaders in the field of CMR, oral abstract and poster presentations of the latest science, as well as state-of-the art reviews of best practices in cardiac imaging. Dedicated courses before and during the meeting review MRI physics for cardiac imaging and refresh the fundamentals of cardiology. Do you scan patients with congenital heart disease? Cement your foundation with our pre-conference course for CMR in congenital heart disease and follow the CHD track during the meeting. Are you considering starting an interventional CMR program? Join our iCMR course and witness a live case during the meeting. A joint workshop with ISMRM gives us a glimpse of the future and explores cutting edge metabolic and endogenous contrast CMR.
For anyone not able to attend SCMR 2023 in person, we will be offering a virtual experience. Registration for the Virtual SCMR 2023 will give you access to live streaming of the main sessions on our virtual platform and meeting app. You will be able to post questions to speakers that will feed into the podium discussions in real time. You won’t have to choose which concurrent session to attend live because the recordings of the main sessions will be available for on demand viewing and posted within 48 hours of the live event. All 200 e-posters will also be accessible on the platform and app which will allow you to interact with all delegates at the meeting, both in person and virtual including our industry partners.
Whether attending live or virtually, registering for SCMR 2023 gives you full access to these recordings for 3 months after the meeting. Plenty of time to triple your CME credit and benefit from more content than ever before!
Top meeting for education in CMR
Focus on practical information
Witness the role of CMR in precision cardiology
Learn how artificial intelligence will shape the way we practice
Try your hands-on virtual reality systems
Share your science with the world
Learn about the latest discoveries in the field of CMR
Extensive networking opportunities
Learn how to improve the reimbursement for your CMR work
Connect with industry and learn about the latest products
Sessions on all aspects of contemporary clinical CMR
Practical tips on how to implement mapping, strain, and stress CMR
Dedicated sessions to explore career paths & training opportunities and funding & research
Mentorship programs
Many 'how to' sessions
Many opportunities to review cases, in a lecture theater or in front of a work station. Bring your own case and review it with an expert!