Division director
National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation/Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
Chungju-Si, Republic of Korea
Dr. Jeewon Joung began her carrier as quality reviewer from 1993 in Biotehcnology division of KFDA, Republic of Korea. After becoming the review management director in 2015, she was responsible for assessment fo quality, safety and efficacy of biotech products including recombinant products including biosimilars and cell/gene therapy products. In 2007 and 2008, she had worked at WHO Immunization, Vaccine, Biologicals Department as a Scientist as a resposnsible officer for establishement of WHO guidelines of biosimilar products and still she is the drafting group memebr. Basedon those experiences, she has been playing key roles in many international activities such as IPRP Biosimilar Working Group, WHO Biological Standardization Program, and APEC Harminzation Center. Currently, she is the director of Pre-submission Consultation Team in MFDS. Based on 28 years of review and international experiences, she exert herslef in growing and empowering the development of advanced high-tech medicinal products in Korea.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM US PST