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511 results found
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Abbott, Andrea
Medical University of South Carolina
Evidenced-based Approaches to Integrative Oncology: What the Surgical Oncologist Should Know
Andrea Abbott
Abdelfatah, Eihab
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
29: An Immune-inflamed Tumor Environment as Defined by CD8 Score Is Associated with Favorable Oncologic Outcomes in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Independent of Tumor Mutational Burden
Eihab Abdelfatah
29: Q&A
Eihab Abdelfatah
V25: Frailty in Colorectal Cancer Surgery Associates with Worse Postoperative Outcomes but Equivalent Long-term Oncologic Outcomes
Eihab Abdelfatah
Abdelhamid, Ashraf
National Cancer Institute NCI Cairo University.
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Ashraf Abdelhamid
Abdel-Misih, Sherif
Stony Brook University Hospital
ACT PSM 2: Novel Therapies, What’s New and What’s Coming for Peritoneal Surface
Sherif Abdel-Misih
Sherif Abdel-Misih
Sherif Abdel-Misih
Abdulla, Alia
Broward Health Medical Center/Nova Southeastern University
Transanal Excision: Indications and Technique
Alia Abdulla
Abood, Gerard
Loyola University Medical Center
Unexpected Findings Intra-op (technical Issues) and Post Op Complications During/after Total Gastrectomy
Gerard Abood
Aguilar-Villanueva, Sergio
Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Sergio Aguilar-Villanueva
University of Kansas, School of Medicine-Wichita
68: Managing the Soft Pancreas During Robotic Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Technique for Externalized Pancreatic Stent
68: Q&A
Ahmad, Syed
S1505, SWOG, and More
Syed Ahmad
Al Abbas, Amr
UT Southwestern Medical Center
73: Q&A
Amr Al Abbas
73: Robotic Transduodenal Ampullectomy for Ampullary Adenoma
Amr Al Abbas
Alexander, H. Richard
Rutgers Cancer Institute
ACT Poster Presentations Group 1
H. Richard Alexander
Aloia, Thomas
ERAS as a Quality Metric: Value in Standardization?
Thomas Aloia
Panel Discussion
Thomas Aloia
Alvarado, Michael
UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
Breast Virtual Poster Grand Rounds
Michael Alvarado
Alyateem, George
New York Medical College - Metropolitan Hospital Center
V50: Using Genome-wide CRISPR Screens to Determine Mechanisms of Drug Resistance in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
George Alyateem
Amlicke, Maire
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
V15: Prevalence of pn2/n3 Disease in Postmenopausal Women with cn0 ER+/HER2- breast Cancer
Maire Amlicke
Anaya Saenz, Daniel
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center
Technologies That Improve Outcomes in Surgical Oncology (Medtronic Industry Forum)
Daniel Anaya Saenz
Angeles, Christina
University of Michigan, Rogel Cancer Center
Panel Discussion & Case Presentation
Christina Angeles
Part Two: Incorporating Translational Research into Clinical Trials
Christina Angeles
Presentation of cases and panel discussion
Christina Angeles
Christina Angeles
SSO 2022 Research Pre-meeting: Keys to Success in Basic and Translational Science Research for the Surgical Oncologist - From Career Development to Novel Translational Oncology Technologies
Christina Angeles
Aoun, Rami James
Department of Surgery, The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center
25: Q&A
Rami James Aoun
25: Transcriptomic Profiles Predict Rectal Cancer Response to Radiation
Rami James Aoun
Aquina, Christopher
AdventHealth Orlando
66: Disparities in Care Access to Liver-directed Therapy Among Medicare Beneficiaries with Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis
Christopher Aquina
66: Q&A
Christopher Aquina
A26: Disparities in Care Access Among Medicare Beneficiaries with Appendiceal or Colorectal Cancer and Peritoneal Metastasis
Christopher Aquina
A26: Q&A
Christopher Aquina
Ariyan, Charlotte
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Melanoma and Other Skin Cancers Parallel Session
Charlotte Ariyan
Asare, Elliot
University of Utah and Huntsman Cancer Institute
Melanoma, Quality and Disparities Virtual Poster Grand Rounds
Elliot Asare
Quality and Disparities Parallel Session
Elliot Asare
Auer, Rebecca
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
23: PERIOP-01: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Extended Perioperative Tinzaparin to Improve Disease-free Survival in Patients with Resectable Colorectal Cancer
Rebecca Auer
23: Q&A
Rebecca Auer
Complete Mesocolic Excision for Colon Cancer
Rebecca Auer
Ayala, Carlos
Stanford University
A33: Mucinous Epithelial Cell Secretion Drives Mucinous Ascites Formation in Pseudomyxoma Peritonei Patients
Carlos Ayala
A33: Q&A
Carlos Ayala
Ayub, Adil
UTMB Galveston
V76: Gastric Linitis Plastica: Treatment Patterns and Outcomes from the National Cancer Database
Adil Ayub
Babicky, Michele
The Oregon Clinic
ACT HPB: The Role of Y90 and Hepatic Artery Infusion (HAI) Chemotherapy in the Management of Unresectable Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
Michele Babicky
Bagaria, Sanjay
Mayo Clinic
When to Operate on Benign Neurogenic Tumors: Focus on Schwannoma and Ganglioneuroma
Sanjay Bagaria
Bailey, Christina
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Making Sense of Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasms
Christina Bailey
Christina Bailey
Balch, Glen
Emory University School of Medicine
Extramesorectal Resection for Rectal Cancer
Glen Balch
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
Glen Balch
Baldwin, Xavier
University of North Carolina Hospitals
5: B-cell Produced Antibodies May Activate Complement During Immune Checkpoint Blockade in a Murine Model of Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Xavier Baldwin
5: Q&A
Xavier Baldwin
Baratti, Dario
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milano (Italy)
A39: Q&A
Dario Baratti
A39: Systemic Metastases from Low-grade and High-grade Pseudomyxoma Peritonei: Treatments and Outcomes
Dario Baratti
Bartlett, David
Allegheny Health Network Cancer Institute
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
David Bartlett
Bartlett, Edmund
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Gene Expression Profiling (GEP) for Newly Diagnosed Melanoma Patients – Is It Ready for Prime Time?
Edmund Bartlett
Bazan, Jose
The Ohio State University
Locoregional Management: Presentation 1
Jose Bazan
Q&A and Discussion
Jose Bazan
Beal, Eliza
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center/The James Cancer Hospital
A22: Conditional Survival Following Cytoreductive Surgery with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Peritoneal Surface Malignancies: An Analysis from the US HIPEC Collaborative
Eliza Beal
A22: Q&A
Eliza Beal
Beasley, Georgia
Duke University
Comprehensive Immunologic Profiling of the Sentinel Node to Optimize Care for Patients with Melanoma
Georgia Beasley
Bello, Danielle
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
A13: In-transit Melanoma: A Multi-institutional Analysis of Outcomes
Danielle Bello
A13: Q&A
Danielle Bello
Benesch, Matthew
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Matthew Benesch
Berber, Eren
Cleveland Clinic
Image Based Localization Techniques
Eren Berber
Berman, Russell
New York University Grossman School of Medicine
The Residency Program and Trainee Perspective
Russell Berman
Bhatia, Manisha
Indiana University - - Indianapolis, IN
V3: Breast Health Awareness: Understanding Health-seeking Behavior
Manisha Bhatia
Bhoriwal, Sandeep
All India Institute of Medical Science
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Sandeep Bhoriwal
Bianchi, Anna
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Department of Surgery
36: Mdsc-derived TNF Is a Novel Regulator of T-cell Dysfunction in Pancreatic Cancer
Anna Bianchi
36: Q&A
Anna Bianchi
Blazer, Dan
Duke University Medical Center
Panel: Pursuing a Career in Academia versus Private Practice
Dan Blazer
B, Madhunarayana
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Madhunarayana B
Boland, Genevieve
Massachusetts General Hospital
ACT Melanoma: Multimodal Approach to Melanoma in Transit Metastases
Genevieve Boland
Linking Immunotherapy to Better Outcomes in Resectable Melanoma: Guidance on Integrating Immune-Based Adjuvant and Neoadjuvant Options
Genevieve Boland
Genevieve Boland
Bonner, Sidra
University of Michigan
56: Combined Impact of Race, Neighborhood, and Dual Eligibility with Mortality After Cancer Surgery Among Medicare Beneficiaries
Sidra Bonner
56: Q&A
Sidra Bonner
Boone, Brian
West Virginia University WVU Cancer Institute WV Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Part Three: Novel Translational Oncology Technologies: how to Study the Tissue We Collect
Brian Boone
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
Brian Boone
SSO 2022 Research Pre-meeting: Keys to Success in Basic and Translational Science Research for the Surgical Oncologist - From Career Development to Novel Translational Oncology Technologies
Brian Boone
Borbon, Luis
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
26: Is There a Role for Surgical Resection of Grade 3 Neuroendocrine Neoplasms?
Luis Borbon
26: Q&A
Luis Borbon
Boughey, Judy
Mayo Clinic
11: Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Nodal Response Rates in Luminal Breast Cancer: effects of Age and Tumor ki67
Judy Boughey
11: Q&A
Judy Boughey
Getting Involved in the Cooperative Groups: Where Do I Start?
Judy Boughey
Boutros, Christina
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
AP4 The impact of facility volume on sentinel lymph node biopsy guideline concordance in cutaneous melanoma
Christina Boutros
Bowles, Tawnya
Intermountain Medical Center
Clinical Trials in Metastatic and Recurrent Melanoma
Tawnya Bowles
Boyev, Artem
UT Houston General Surgery Residency
AP12 Comparative Effectiveness of Radiofrequency or Microwave Ablation Versus Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Large (>5cm) Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Artem Boyev
Bregio, Celyn
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
A18: Association of Appendiceal Cancer with Autoimmune Disease
Celyn Bregio
A18: Q&A
Celyn Bregio
Brock, Malcom
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Why More Surgeons need to be Independent Laboratory Funded Investigators: The Importance of Asking the Right Question
Malcom Brock
Broman, Kristy
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Primary Breast Sarcomas – the Surgeon’s Perspective
Kristy Broman
Zebra Breast Pathology: Case Presentations
Kristy Broman
Brunsgaard, Elise
Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah
V52: Circulating Tumor DNA in Stage II and III Melanoma
Elise Brunsgaard
Burchard, Paul
University of Rochester Medical Center
31: Combination Therapy with PXS-5505 Reduces Myeloid Suppression and Improves Overall Survival in Murine Cholangiocarcinoma
Paul Burchard
31: Q&A
Paul Burchard
Burke, Erin
University of Kentucky
Beyond Wires: Novel Localization Methods for Breast and Axillary Lesions
Erin Burke
Caba-Molina, David
Loma Linda University Health
Disparities in Cancer Care Outcomes and Mitigation Strategies
David Caba-Molina
Callegaro, Dario
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, Italy
Panel Discussion & Case Presentation
Dario Callegaro
Calthorpe, Lucia
University of California San Francisco
A23: Contemporary Trends in Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma: Incidence and Survival in the United States
Lucia Calthorpe
A23: Q&A
Lucia Calthorpe
Camp, E. Ramsay
Baylor College of Medicine
HPB Parallel Session 1
E. Ramsay Camp
Canner, Stephanie Downs
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
From Your First Job to Your First Grant – Getting Your Career off the Ground
Stephanie Downs Canner
Carpizo, Darren
University of Rochester
Clinical and Young Investigator Award Presentations
Darren Carpizo
How to Transition from Surgical Oncology Fellow to NIH Funded Independent Investigator (when You DO Want to Be the PI of a Lab)
Darren Carpizo
Casabianca, Anthony
University of Rochester
V37: Circadian Rhythm Gene dec2 Is a Critical Regulator and Potential Therapeutic Target in Pancreatic Cancer Dormancy
Anthony Casabianca
Cassidy, Michael
Boston University School of Medicine
Panel: Pursuing a Career in Academia versus Private Practice
Michael Cassidy
What I Wished I Had Known/asked in My First Few Years of Practice
Michael Cassidy
Caudle, Abigail
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Breast Great Debate: Can We Pick the Winners for Targeted Axillary Dissection?
Abigail Caudle
Cavnar, Michael
University of Kentucky
AP16 Phase I safety and feasibility pilot of hepatic artery infusion chemotherapy in a rural catchment area using the Codman vascular catheter with the Synchromed II pump for intrahepatic cancers
Michael Cavnar
Ceelen, Wim
Ghent University Hospital
ACT Applied Research: Intraperitoneal Drug Delivery: Current Translational Research
Wim Ceelen
Wim Ceelen
Chagpar, Anees
Yale University School of Medicine
Can We Pick the Winners for Targeted Axillary Dissection? (Con)
Anees Chagpar
Chan, Carlos
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
A49: Phase I Trial of Intraperitoneal Paclitaxel-loaded TPM for Treatment of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis
Carlos Chan
A49: Q&A
Carlos Chan
Chang, Gloria
V23: Effect of Hospital Safety Net Designation on Treatment Utilization and Associated Survival in Colorectal Cancer
Gloria Chang
V40: Effect of Hospital Safety Net Designation on Treatment Utilization and Associated Survival in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Gloria Chang
Chen, Vivi
Baylor College of Medicine
V66: Variation in Hospital-level Utilization of Palliative Interventions for Patients with Advanced Gastrointestinal Cancer near End of Life
Vivi Chen
Choi, Seraphina
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
V1: A Multi-institutional Analysis of the Positive Predictive Value of MRI Biopsies in Early-stage Breast Cancer
Seraphina Choi
Choudry, M. Haroon
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
ACT PSM 2: Novel Therapies, What’s New and What’s Coming for Peritoneal Surface
M. Haroon Choudry
M. Haroon Choudry
M. Haroon Choudry
Clarke, Callisia
Medical College of Wisconsin
Indications for Resection for Genetic-related Pnets (MEN-1 and VHL)
Callisia Clarke
Clary, Bryan
University of California, San Diego
Plenary Session II
Bryan Clary
Welcome and Announcements
Bryan Clary
Cloyd, Jordan
The Ohio State University
How to Leverage Social Media to Enhance Your Practice and Career
Jordan Cloyd
Cohen, Mark
University of Michigan
Management of Adrenal Tumors
Mark Cohen
Cohen, Sonia
Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School
When to Operate on Benign Neurogenic Tumors: Focus on Schwannoma and Ganglioneuroma
Sonia Cohen
Coopey, Suzanne
Allegheny Health Network
Nipple Sparing mastectomy: Pushing the Envelope
Suzanne Coopey
Cordera, Fernando
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Fernando Cordera
Covelli, Andrea
Mount Sinai Hospital, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Cases Discussion with Panel
Andrea Covelli
Cracchiolo, Jennifer
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Panel Discussion
Jennifer Cracchiolo
The Future of ERAS Where Do We Go Now
Jennifer Cracchiolo
Crago, Aimee
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
What You Need to Know About Genetic Syndromes Associated with Sarcomas: Focus on Li-fraumeni Syndrome and Type 1 Neurofibromatosis
Aimee Crago
Cronin, Patricia
Mayo Clinic
Sarcoma and Endocrine Parallel Session
Patricia Cronin
Daher, Pamela
University of Texas Medical Branch - Galveston, TX
Nuts and Bolts of Watch and Wait/nonoperative Management for Rectal Cancer
Pamela Daher
Dal Molin, Marco
University of Maryland
V43: Impact of Institutional Adoption of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Stage I Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma on Outcomes
Marco Dal Molin
D'Angelica, Michael
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Liver Transplantion for Colorectal Liver Metastases (Con)
Michael D'Angelica
Rebuttals, Post-questions and Discussion
Michael D'Angelica
Datta, Jashodeep
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
Intercepting Lineage Trajectories of Tolerogenic Myeloid Cells in Pancreatic Cancer
Jashodeep Datta
Davis, Jeremy
National Cancer Institute
Upper GI and Colorectal Parallel Session
Jeremy Davis
Degnim, Amy
Mayo Clinic
Radiation-associated Angiosarcoma of the Breast: A Challenging Disease
Amy Degnim
Delisle, Megan
University of Ottawa
57: Differences in Experiences with Cancer Survivorship Follow-up Among Cancer Survivors in Canada Based on Physician Specialty
Megan Delisle
57: Q&A
Megan Delisle
Delman, Keith
Emory University
The Art of Networking: Mentorship, Sponsorship, and Meaningful Collaboration
Keith Delman
DeMatteo, Ronald
The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Immunotherapy for GI Malignancy Is NOT Primetime (Con)
Ronald DeMatteo
DeMore, Nancy
Medical University of South Carolina
Nancy DeMore
Demuytere, Jesse
Laboratory of experimental surgery
A40: Q&A
Jesse Demuytere
A40: The Impact of Hyperthermia on Survival and Pharmacokinetics in Cisplatin HIPEC in Stage III Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Jesse Demuytere
Deneve, Jeremiah
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Treatment of Mucinous Adenocarcinomas of the Appendix
Jeremiah Deneve
DePalo, Danielle
Moffitt Cancer Center
A9: A Systematic Review of Recurrence Patterns for Regionally Metastatic Melanoma Treated in the Era of Adjuvant Therapy
Danielle DePalo
A9: Q&A
Danielle DePalo
Dhiman, Ankit
Department of Surgery, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
61: Q&A
Ankit Dhiman
61: Role of Tumor-informed Personalized Ctdna Assay in Informing Recurrence in Patients with Peritoneal Metastases from Colorectal and High-grade Appendix Cancer Undergoing Curative Surgery
Ankit Dhiman
Dhir, Mashaal
SUNY Upstate Medical University
Mashaal Dhir
DiBrito, Sandra
The University of Houston MD Anderson Cancer Center
V29: Robotic Beyond TME: An Institutional Experience with Robotic Multivisceral and Extended Pelvic Resection for Colorectal Cancer
Sandra DiBrito
Dickson, Paxton
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Case Studies in Adrenal Tumor Management
Paxton Dickson
Diego, Emilia
University of Pittsburgh
Localization of Non-palpable Lesions
Emilia Diego
DiPeri, Timothy
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
A43: Co-clinical Trial of Novel Bispecific anti-her2 Antibody Zanidatamab in Patient-derived Xenografts Developed on a Phase I Trial
Timothy DiPeri
A43: Q&A
Timothy DiPeri
Dominici, Laura
Dana Farber, Brigham and Women's Cancer Center
6: BREAST-Q Scores 10 Years After Breast-conserving Surgery for Early-stage Breast Cancer
Laura Dominici
6: Q&A
Laura Dominici
Donahue, Timothy
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Palliative Management of Advanced Gastric Cancer
Timothy Donahue
Dossett, Lesly
University of Michigan
Interventions to Mitigate Poor Outcomes in Marginalized Groups
Lesly Dossett
Druta, Mihaela
Moffitt Cancer Center
Systemic Considerations in Primary Breast Sarcomas
Mihaela Druta
Dudeja, vikas
University of Alabama
37: Modulating the Gut Microbiome Stimulates Anti-tumor Immunity in Cigarette Smoking-driven Cancer Progression
vikas Dudeja
37: Q&A
vikas Dudeja
Evaluation of the Effect of Gut Microbiome Composition on Response of Colon Cancer Metastases to Systemic Therapy
vikas Dudeja
Dugan, Michelle
Florida Atlantic University
AP2 Improved Oncologic Outcome Associated with the Use of Advanced Image Guidance Augmented Reality Targeting System During Laparoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Microwave Ablation of Malignant Liver Tumors
Michelle Dugan
Duncan, Katrina
University of Toronto
V34: The Association Between Patient-reported Symptom Burden and Urgent Healthcare Use in Patients Diagnosed with Neuroendocrine Tumors
Katrina Duncan
Dunki-Jacobs, Erik
TriHealth Cancer Institute
Cracking the Code: Tips and Tricks for Appropriately Optimizing Coding for Your Surgical Oncology Practice
Erik Dunki-Jacobs
DuPree, Beth
Breast Surgeon and Clinical Investigator
A New Paradigm for Intraoperative Margin Visualization with OCT + Future AI (Perimeter Industry Spotlight)
Beth DuPree
Dy, Benzon
Mayo Clinic
Endocrine/Head & Neck and HPB Virtual Poster Grand Rounds
Benzon Dy
Ecker, Brett
42: Q&A
Brett Ecker
42: Recurrence-free Survival versus Overall Survival as a Primary End Point for Resectable Colorectal Liver Metastasis Studies: Analysis of 2,983 Curative-intent Hepatectomies
Brett Ecker
Eckhoff, Austin
Duke University
38: Multidimensional Immunophenotyping of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms Reveals Novel T Cell and Macrophage Signature
Austin Eckhoff
38: Q&A
Austin Eckhoff
Egger, Michael
Unversity of Louisville
ACT Melanoma Abstract Presentations
Michael Egger
Ejaz, Aslam
The Ohio State University
ERAS Origins: What Was It Meant to Be
Aslam Ejaz
Panel Discussion
Aslam Ejaz
Eng, Cathy
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
Discussions and Q&A
Cathy Eng
The Potential Impact of Molecular Markers in the Consideration of Hepatic Resection for Colorectal Metastases
Cathy Eng
Eng, Oliver
University of California, Irvine
ACT PSM Abstract Presentations 3
Oliver Eng
Enomoto, Laura
University of Tennessee Medical Center Knoxville
Case 1: Stage IIB/C Melanoma with SLNB+, CLND, Radiation, in Transit
Laura Enomoto
Esquivel, Jesus
Beebe Healthcare
ACT Poster Presentations Group 2
Jesus Esquivel
Evans, Douglas
Medical College of Wisconsin
Job Negotiation: The Chair Perspective
Douglas Evans
Fadel, Michael
The Sarcoma, Melanoma and Rare Tumours Unit, The Royal Marsden Hospital and Institute Cancer of Research, London, UK
V57: The Use of Indocyanine Green and Near-infrared Fluorescence Imaging versus Blue Dye in Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Cutaneous Melanoma: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Michael Fadel
Fahy, Bridget
University of New Mexico, Division of Surgical Oncology
Evidenced-based Approaches to Integrative Oncology: What the Surgical Oncologist Should Know
Bridget Fahy
Faries, Mark
The Angeles Clinic and Research Institute/ Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
A12: Functional Assessment of Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Melanoma: Implications for Immune Competence
Mark Faries
A12: Q&A
Mark Faries
Farma, Jeffrey
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Oncology Training in Surgery: Are We Hitting the Mark in 2022?
Jeffrey Farma
Farr, Deborah
UT Southwestern Medical Center
17: Prospective Pilot Study of First in Human Use of Single Port Robotic Platform in Nipple Sparing Mastectomy
Deborah Farr
17: Q&A
Deborah Farr
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
Deborah Farr
Updates in Nipple Sparing and Robotic Mastectomy
Deborah Farr
Fayanju, Oluwadamilola
The University of Pennsylvania / Penn Medicine
Breast Parallel Session 1
Oluwadamilola Fayanju
V12: Predicting Disparities in Receipt of Guideline-concordant Care (GCC) for Breast Cancer
Oluwadamilola Fayanju
Felder, Seth
Moffitt Cancer Center
How to Deal with the Near-complete Response
Seth Felder
Manipal Hospitals bangalore
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Fernando, Deemantha
Medical College of Wisconsin
A25: Cytoreduction and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (CRS/HIPEC) in the Treatment of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis from Small Bowel Adenocarcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Deemantha Fernando
A25: Q&A
Deemantha Fernando
Fields, Ryan
Barnes-Jewish Hospital and the Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center at Washington University School of Medicine
Constructing/employing a PDX Library and Novel Oncology Models at Your Institution
Ryan Fields
Melanoma and Other Skin Cancers Parallel Session
Ryan Fields
Part One: Pathways to Success as an NIH Funded Investigator
Ryan Fields
SSO 2022 Research Pre-meeting: Keys to Success in Basic and Translational Science Research for the Surgical Oncologist - From Career Development to Novel Translational Oncology Technologies
Ryan Fields
Fisher, Sarah
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Hospital
Medullary Thyroid Cancer
Sarah Fisher
Flanagan, Meghan
University of Washington
3: Association of hydroxy-delta-5-steroid Dehydrogenase, 3 Beta- and Steroid Delta-isomerase 1 Genetic Inheritance and Distant Metastasis in Post-menopausal Breast Cancer
Meghan Flanagan
3: Q&A
Meghan Flanagan
Flores, Rene
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
V9: Limitations in De-escalation of Axillary Surgery in Patients with cn3 Breast Cancer Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Rene Flores
Fong, Yuman
City of Hope Medical Center
Immunotherapy for GI Malignancy Is Primetime (Pro)
Yuman Fong
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
Yuman Fong
Fonseca, Annabelle
University of South Alabama
HPB Parallel Session 1
Annabelle Fonseca
Forsythe, Steven
Wake Forest School of Medicine
A35: Peritoneal Mesothelioma Organoid Response to HIPEC
Steven Forsythe
A35: Q&A
Steven Forsythe
Foster, Jason
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Jason Foster
Update on US HIPEC “Trial” – Colorectal
Jason Foster
Frederick, Wayne
Howard University
American Cancer Society and SSO Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lecture: Reversing Cancer Disparities Through Greater Diversity
Wayne Frederick
Gabriel, Emmanuel
Mayo Clinic Florida
Mucosal and Unveal Melanoma
Emmanuel Gabriel
TVEC for Melanoma
Emmanuel Gabriel
Ganai, Sabha
University of North Dakota / Sanford Clinic
How to Leverage Social Media to Enhance Your Practice and Career
Sabha Ganai
Gangi, Alexandra
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
43: Q&A
Alexandra Gangi
43: S-adenosylmethionine Protects Against Folfox-induced Liver Injury
Alexandra Gangi
HPB Great Debate: Liver Transplantation for Colorectal Liver Metastases
Alexandra Gangi
Garcia-Aguilar, Julio
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Total Neoadjuvant Therapy Represents Overtreatment and Should Be Used Selectively for Locally Advanced (T3/4 or N+) Rectal Cancer (Con)
Julio Garcia-Aguilar
Garcia, Marilyn
Exploring the Potential of Immuno-Oncology in Earlier Stages of Cancer (Bristol Myers Squibb Industry Forum)
Marilyn Garcia
Gawad, Wael
National Cancer Institute, Cairo University
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Wael Gawad
Gellings, Jaclyn
Medical College of Wisconsin
1: Annual Cost Savings with the Implementation of Estrogen-receptor-only Testing on DCIS Specimens
Jaclyn Gellings
1: Q&A
Jaclyn Gellings
Gholami, Sepideh
University of California Davis Health
Surgical Resection for HCC: Is It Time to Expand the Indications?
Sepideh Gholami
Gingrich, Alicia
University of California Davis
V68: Intratumoral T Cells with Low TIGIT Expression Are Associated with Improved Disease-free Survival in Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Alicia Gingrich
Ginzberg, Sara
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
V31: Assessing the Frequency of Deferrable Thyroid Nodule Biopsies to De-escalate Low-value Care
Sara Ginzberg
Giuliano, Armando
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Charles M. Balch Distinguished Service Award
Armando Giuliano
Glazer, Evan
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
The Surgeon's Role in Multi-modal Treatment of Gastro-esophageal Tumors
Evan Glazer
Glehen, Olivier
Centre Hopsitalier Lyon Sud
Olivier Glehen
Olivier Glehen
Role of HIPEC In Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases
Olivier Glehen
Gleisner, Ana
University of Colorado
ACT HPB Abstract Presentations
Ana Gleisner
JCOG 0603 and What It Means
Ana Gleisner
Goel, Neha
University of Miami
When to Operate on Benign Neurogenic Tumors: Focus on Schwannoma and Ganglioneuroma
Neha Goel
Go, Jieon
Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Jieon Go
Gorman, Valerie
Director of Surgical Oncology - Baylor Scott & White, Texas Surgical Specialists, Waxahachie, TX
Practical Application of the BioZorb® Marker In Your Clinical Practice (Hologic Industry Forum)
Valerie Gorman
Grandhi, Miral
Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Endocrine/Head & Neck and HPB Virtual Poster Grand Rounds
Miral Grandhi
Improving Surgical Outcomes Through ERAS
Miral Grandhi
Panel Discussion
Miral Grandhi
Greenbaum, Alissa
University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center
ACT Clinical Trials Abstract Presentations
Alissa Greenbaum
ACT Clinical Trials: Update on PSM Clinical Trials
Alissa Greenbaum
Alissa Greenbaum
Alissa Greenbaum
Green, Benjamin
A24: Cytoreduction and HIPEC for Gastric Carcinomatosis: Multi-institutional Interim Analysis of Two Phase II Clinical Trials
Benjamin Green
A24: Q&A
Benjamin Green
Greer, Jonathan
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
ACT PSM Abstract Presentations 3
Jonathan Greer
Grignol, Valerie
The Ohio State University
Cases Discussion with Panel
Valerie Grignol
Grossi, Sara
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
V8: Is There a Role for PET/CT in Locoregionally Recurrent Breast Cancer?
Sara Grossi
Grotz, Travis
Mayo Clinic
ACT PSM Abstract Presentations 1
Travis Grotz
Management of Limited Peritoneal Metastasis from Gastric Cancer After Conversion of Positive Washing to Negative
Travis Grotz
Grubbs, Elizabeth
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Oncology Training in Surgery: Are We Hitting the Mark in 2022?
Elizabeth Grubbs
Guadagnolo, Ashleigh
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Panel Discussion & Case Presentation
Ashleigh Guadagnolo
Guaglio, Marcello
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori - Milan - Peritoneal Surface Malignancies Unit
A20: Colorectal Carcinoma Peritoneal Metastases-derived Organoids Platform: Results and Perspective of a New Tool to Evaluate the Best HIPEC Regimen in a Personalized Strategy
Marcello Guaglio
A20: Q&A
Marcello Guaglio
Guenther, J. Michael
St. Elizabeth Physicians
Benefits of Survivorship for You and Your Patient
J. Michael Guenther
Guidolin, Keegan
University of Toronto
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Keegan Guidolin
Gupta, Vikas
Tata memorial hospital
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Vikas Gupta
Guthula, Naresh
Max Healthcare
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Naresh Guthula
Hallet, Julie
University of Toronto
Resection of <1-2cm Nonfunctional Pnets
Julie Hallet
Hanna, Andrew
University of Pennsylvania
78: Is Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Progression Mediated by Class I Downregulation?
Andrew Hanna
78: Q&A
Andrew Hanna
V74: Clinicopathologic Factors Predictive of Recurrence in Lymph Node-negative Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Andrew Hanna
Hanna, David
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
A30: Impact of Different Systemic Chemotherapy Approaches on Oncologic Outcomes for Patients with Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases
David Hanna
A30: Q&A
David Hanna
A41: Q&A
David Hanna
A41: Total Neoadjuvant systemic Chemotherapy Is Associated with Improved Oncologic Outcomes in Patients with Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma Peritoneal Metastases
David Hanna
Hanna, Nader
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Multivisceral Resection for Colon Cancer
Nader Hanna
Hao, Scarlett
Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University
V73: Leveraging the Electronic Health Record to Measure Social Determinants of Health in Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer: A Feasibility Study
Scarlett Hao
Harper, Megan
University of Kentucky
A48: Pharmacokinetics of Nano-liposomal Irinotecan in a Phase 1 Study for Patients with Peritoneal Disease Treated with Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
Megan Harper
A48: Q&A
Megan Harper
Hayes, Andrew
Royal Marsden Hospital
Panel Discussion & Case Presentation
Andrew Hayes
Hendrick, Leah
UTHSC Department of Surgery
22: Patterns of Differential Gene Expression May Provide Potential Biomarkers for Anal Cancer Progression
Leah Hendrick
22: Q&A
Leah Hendrick
Hernandez, Jonathan
National Institutes of Health
Precision Medicine for the Surgical Oncologist: Current and Future Strategies
Jonathan Hernandez
Q&A and Discussion
Jonathan Hernandez
Herremans, Kelly
University of Florida
V44: Location, Location, Location- clinical Trial Location Does Not Influence the Diversity of Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trials
Kelly Herremans
Hewitt, Daniel
The Ohio State University Medical Center - Columbus, OH
67: Bilateral Robotic-assisted Nipple-sparing Mastectomy Using a Single Incision
Daniel Hewitt
67: Q&A
Daniel Hewitt
Hieken, Tina
Mayo Clinic
9: Inflammatory Breast Cancer: durable Breast Cancer-specific Survival for HER2+ Patients with a Pathologic Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy
Tina Hieken
9: Q&A
Tina Hieken
Neoadjuvant Therapy in Melanoma
Tina Hieken
Hines, O. Joe
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
The Certifier of the Surgeon Perspective
O. Joe Hines
Hirpara, Dhruvin
University of Toronto
V61: Association Between Patient-reported Symptoms and Healthcare Resource Utilization: A First Step to Develop Patient-centered Value Measures in Cancer Care
Dhruvin Hirpara
Hitscherich, Kyle
National Institutes of Health
V81 Validation of GIST Nomogram Performance from a Statewide Community Cancer Center
Kyle Hitscherich
Hochwald, Steven
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Pro Total Gastrectomy
Steven Hochwald
Hogg, Melissa
Discussions and Q&A
Melissa Hogg
Integration of Molecular Analysis in the Multidisciplinary Management of HPB Neoplasms
Melissa Hogg
Panel: Pursuing a Career in Academia versus Private Practice
Melissa Hogg
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
Melissa Hogg
Holder, Ashley
University of Alabama at Birmingham
ACT Melanoma Abstract Presentations
Ashley Holder
Melanoma, Quality and Disparities Virtual Poster Grand Rounds
Ashley Holder
Hong, Young
Cooper University Hospital
Efficacy and Feasibility of Adoptive Cellular Therapy for Metastatic Melanoma: Are We Ready for Commercialization?
Young Hong
Hoover, Susan
Moffitt Cancer Center
Exploring Innovative Surgeon-driven Technology for Intraoperative Specimen Evaluation
Susan Hoover
Hoshi, Hisakazu
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Panel Discussion & Case Presentation
Hisakazu Hoshi
Whoops! Now What? The Unexpected Positive Margin in Sarcoma Surgery
Hisakazu Hoshi
Hsieh, David
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Discussions and Q&A
David Hsieh
Huis in t veld, Eva
Erasmus MC
V63: Oncological Outcome After Lymph Node Dissection for Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Eva Huis in t veld
72: Q&A
72: Robotic Proximal Gastrectomy with Double Tract Reconstruction for Locally Advanced Siewert II Gastroesophageal junction Cancer
Hunt, Kelly
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Methods for Intraoperative Detection of Positive Margins in Breast Conserving Surgery (Lumicell Industry Spotlight)
Kelly Hunt
Hwang, Rosa
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Robotic Mastectomy—the Skeptical Surgeon
Rosa Hwang
Hwang, Shelley
Duke University
20: Q&A
Shelley Hwang
20: The Clinical Impact of Intraoperative Margin Assessment in Breast Cancer Surgery
Using A Novel Pegulicianine Fluorescence Guided Surgery System: A Prospective Single Arm Study
Shelley Hwang
Hydrick, Thomas
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine
V59: Trends in Reimbursement for Index Surgical Oncology Procedures in Contemporary Practicedeclining Reimbursement for Surgical Oncology Procedures – How Low Do We Go?
Thomas Hydrick
Hyngstrom, John
Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah Health
John Hyngstrom
Presentation of cases and panel discussion
John Hyngstrom
John Hyngstrom
Rare Subtypes Melanoma
John Hyngstrom
Ikoma, Naruhiko
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Pro Proximal Gastrectomy
Naruhiko Ikoma
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
A5: Progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Complete Radiologic Response to Transarterial Embolization
A5: Q&A
V41: Electronic Patient Symptom Reporting System After Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery
Iyer, Matthew
Duke University Medical Center
44: Q&A
Matthew Iyer
44: Spatial Transcriptome Profiling of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms Nominates Novel Cyst Fluid Biomarkers of High-grade Dysplasia
Matthew Iyer
Jaraczewski, Taylor
Medical College of Wisconsin
V70: Application of Machine Learning to Determine United States County-level Health Predictors of Disparities in Gastrointestinal Cancer Mortality Trends
Taylor Jaraczewski
Javadi, Chris
41: Q&A
Chris Javadi
41: Radiographic, Biochemical, or Pathologic Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Resected Pancreatic Cancer: Which Is Best?
Chris Javadi
Jensen, Eric
The Future of Digital Surgery: Leveraging Innovation for Challenging Procedures (Ethicon/Neuwave Industry Spotlight)
Eric Jensen
Jeyarajah, Rohan
Integrating Y90 into the mCRC Pathway – A Surgical Perspective (Sirtex Industry Spotlight)
Rohan Jeyarajah
Jogerst, Kristen
Mayo Clinic Arizona
V62: Breaking the Pain Cycle: The Impact of Enhanced Recovery Protocols Following Mastectomy on Long-term Opioid and Sedative Use
Kristen Jogerst
Johnson, Nathalie
Panel: Pursuing a Career in Academia versus Private Practice
Nathalie Johnson
Johnston, Fabian
Johns Hopkins University
ACT PSM: Landmark Trials in Peritoneal Surface Malignancies
Fabian Johnston
Fabian Johnston
Fabian Johnston
Jolley Bea, Vivian
New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medicine, New York Presbyterian-Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
Breast Virtual Poster Grand Rounds
Vivian Jolley Bea
Joung, Rachel
Northwestern University
V75: Evaluation of Post-discharge Deterioration Following Major Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgery
Rachel Joung
Judge, Sean
University of California, Davis
A1: Current Practices in Hepatic Artery Infusion (HAI) Chemotherapy: An International Survey of the HAI Consortium Research Network
Sean Judge
A1: Q&A
Sean Judge
Kalady, Matthew
The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, The James Comprehensive Cancer Center
Extended and Multivisceral Resections for Colorectal Cancer: indications, Technique and Outcome
Matthew Kalady
Kammula, Udai
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Cell-based Therapies: CAR-T, TILS, PBMC
Udai Kammula
Kandil, Emad
Tulane University
Emerging Technologies in Endocrine, Head and Neck Surgery
Emad Kandil
Kane, John
Rowell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Cases Discussion with Panel
John Kane
Defining Resectability in Sarcoma: In the Eyes of the Beholder
John Kane
Kang, So Hyun
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
So Hyun Kang
Kantor, Olga
Brigham and Women's Hospital
18: Q&A
Olga Kantor
18: Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Alone Is Adequate for Chemotherapy Decisions in Postmenopausal Early-stage Hormone-receptor Positive, HER2 Negative Breast Cancer with 1-3 Positive Sentinel Lymph Nodes
Olga Kantor
Karagkounis, Georgios
UT Southwestern Medical Center
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
Georgios Karagkounis
Karakousis, Giorgos
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Adjuvant Therapy– Who Gets It, Who Doesn’t?
Giorgos Karakousis
Karalis, John
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
V78: Pre-treatment Serum IL-6 Level Predicts Overall Survival for Gastric and Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma
John Karalis
Kardosh, Adel
Oregon Health and Science University
HAI Perspective
Adel Kardosh
Adel Kardosh
Kartik, Akash
Mayo Clinic, Arizona
AP7 Early postoperative CRP levels predicts major complications following cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC).
Akash Kartik
Kasumova, Gyulnara
Ohio State University/ James Cancer Hospital
V16: Prophylactic Lymphovenous Bypass in Reduction of Breast Cancer-related Lymphedema
Gyulnara Kasumova
Katz, Matthew
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
A021501, Alliance, and Beyond
Matthew Katz
Kazazian, Karineh
University of Toronto
79: Loss of Tumor Suppressor FAM46C Induces Ion Channelopathy in Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Karineh Kazazian
79: Q&A
Karineh Kazazian
Kearney, Joseph
University of North Carolina
45: Q&A
Joseph Kearney
45: Tumor Stroma Crosstalk in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Is Molecular Subtype Dependent
Joseph Kearney
Kebebew, Electron
Stanford School of Medicine
Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer
Electron Kebebew
Keilson, Jessica
Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University
V42: galectin-9 Expression and Decreased Survival in Advanced Biliary Tract Cancers
Jessica Keilson
V64: Patient Reported Outcomes: Financial Toxicity Is a Barrier to Clinical Trials and Personalized Therapy in Cholangiocarcinoma
Jessica Keilson
Keller, Jennifer
Saint John's Providence Cancer Institute
48: Predicting Regional Lymph Node Recurrence in the Modern Age of Tumor-positive Sentinel Node Melanoma: The Role of the First Post-operative Ultrasound
Jennifer Keller
48: Q&A
Jennifer Keller
Kennedy, Timothy
Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
ACT: Translational Science: The Role of Organoids in Cytoreductive/hipec Surgery
Timothy Kennedy
Induction Chemotherapy in Siewert Type II Cancers
Timothy Kennedy
Kesmodel, Susan
University of Miami, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
Susan Kesmodel
Khafagy, Medhat
National Cancer Institute, Cairo University
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Medhat Khafagy
Khan, Seema
Northwestern University
Locoregional Management: Presentation 2
Seema Khan
Q&A and Discussion
Seema Khan
Kiernan, Colleen
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Case Presentation
Colleen Kiernan
Emerging Technologies in Endocrine, Head and Neck Surgery
Colleen Kiernan
Kim, Alex
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, The James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute
ACT PSM Abstract Presentations 2
Alex Kim
SSO 2022 Top-Rated Videos
Alex Kim
Kim, Hong Jin
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Panel Discussion
Hong Jin Kim
Practical Implementation and Sustainability
Hong Jin Kim
Kim, Joseph
University of Kentucky
Drug Screening Platforms for Personalizing Therapy: Organoids & More
Joseph Kim
Kim, Teresa
University of Washington School of Medicine
Panel Discussion & Case Presentation
Teresa Kim
Kingham, T. Peter
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
T. Peter Kingham
Kiptoo, Stephen
AMPATH-Moi University/MTRH Projects
V6: Impact of a Sustainable Breast Cancer Screening Program: Overcoming the Pandemic
Stephen Kiptoo
Kirane, Amanda
Stanford University
AP15 Neoadjuvant Intralesional Therapy for High Risk Stage II Melanoma
Amanda Kirane
Klingensmith, Mary
The Certifier of Training Programs Perspective
Mary Klingensmith
Knape, Nicole
UNC School of Medicine
V4: Can We Forego Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Women with Early-stage Special Histologic Subtype Breast Cancer?
Nicole Knape
Kong, Amanda
Medical College of Wisconsin
Panel: Pursuing a Career in Academia versus Private Practice
Amanda Kong
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Fellows Institute II
Amanda Kong
Konishi, Tsuyoshi
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Tsuyoshi Konishi
Lateral Pelvic Lymph Node Resection for Rectal Cancer
Tsuyoshi Konishi
Kothari, Anai
Medical College of Wisconsin
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Anai Kothari
Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers
Anai Kothari
Krainock, Michael
The Expanding Role of ctDNA for MRD Assessment and Perioperative Decision Making (Natera Industry Spotlight)
Michael Krainock
Kubiliun, Nisa
University of Texas Southwestern
Gastroenterologist Perspective: Role of Molecular Analysis in Risk Stratification and Management
Nisa Kubiliun
Kuerer, Henry
Translating Progress With Immunotherapies and Targeted Agents Into Improved Outcomes in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Surgical and Clinical Perspectives on Modern Multimodal Treatment Approaches
Henry Kuerer
Kukar, Moshim
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Chemoradiation for Siewert Type III Cancers
Moshim Kukar
Kulkarni, Swati
Northwestern University
Expanding the Lumpectomy Margin Assessment Toolbox with Intraoperative Volumetric Specimen Imaging
Swati Kulkarni
Kuo, Jennifer
Columbia University
Ablation Techniques for Thyroid Tumors
Jennifer Kuo
Laks, Shachar
Sheba Medical Center Affiliated with Tel Aviv University
AP8 Limited lung metastases do not alter outcomes after cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for colorectal peritoneal disease
Shachar Laks
Lambert, Laura
Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah
ACT 2022 Welcome
Laura Lambert
ACT Applied Research: Intraperitoneal Drug Delivery: Current Translational Research
Laura Lambert
Lang, Julie
Cleveland Clinic
Clinical and Young Investigator Award Presentations
Julie Lang
Precision Medicine for the Surgical Oncologist: Current and Future Strategies
Julie Lang
Q&A and Discussion
Julie Lang
Laronga, Christine
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
When You Hear Hoofbeats: Multidisciplinary Management of “Zebra” Breast Malignancies
Christine Laronga
Lee, Byrne
Stanford University School of Medicine
ACT PSM Abstract Presentations 1
Byrne Lee
Lee, David
INOVA Schar Cancer Institute, UVA School of Medicine, Fairfax Medical Campus
Sarcoma, Colorectal and Upper GI/Thoracic Virtual Poster Grand Rounds
David Lee
Lee, Marie Catherine
H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center
Breast Parallel Session 1
Marie Catherine Lee
Lee, Minna
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
4: Axillary Staging Is Not Justified in Postmenopausal Clinically Node Negative Women Based on Nodal Disease Burden
Minna Lee
4: Q&A
Minna Lee
Lee, Sung Hwan
CHA Bundang Medical Center
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Sung Hwan Lee
Lidsky, Michael
Duke University
ACT HPB: The Role of Y90 and Hepatic Artery Infusion (HAI) Chemotherapy in the Management of Unresectable Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
Michael Lidsky
Lie, Jessica
University of British Columbia
V27: Management of Rectal Neuroendocrine Tumors by Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery
Jessica Lie
Limbach, Kristen
City of Hope National Medical Center - Duarte, CA
V32: Baicalein Activates AMPK, Inhibits the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin, and Exhibits Antiproliferative Effects in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors in vitro and in vivo
Kristen Limbach
Linehan, Daid
University of Rochester
From Bench to Bedside: transitioning Your Lab Research into Clinical Trials
Daid Linehan
Liu, Hao
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
V38: Defining Effective Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NAC) in PDAC, Implications from Survival and Pattern of Failure in Patients Who Received NAC
Hao Liu
Liu, Jason
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
27: Long-term Outcomes of Patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 and Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors
Jason Liu
27: Q&A
Jason Liu
Loewenstein, Shelly
Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and Tel-Aviv University
AP13 Mesothelial cells- derived extracellular vesicles promote angiogenesis via angiopoietin-2
Shelly Loewenstein
Lopez, Nicole
UC San Diego
Upper GI and Colorectal Parallel Session
Nicole Lopez
Lopez-Ramirez, Felipe
Mercy Medical Center
AP5 Controlling Perfusion Temperature Relates to Better Outcomes after CRS/HIPEC
Felipe Lopez-Ramirez
Lowe, Michael
Emory University School of Medicine
ACT Melanoma: Multimodal Approach to Melanoma in Transit Metastases
Michael Lowe
Clinical Trials in Localized Melanoma
Michael Lowe
Clinical Trials in Melanoma
Michael Lowe
Lowy, Andrew
UC San Diego
Meet the Experts: Building an Academic Division of Surgical Oncology
Andrew Lowy
Luca, Fabrizio
Sarcoma, Colorectal and Upper GI/Thoracic Virtual Poster Grand Rounds
Fabrizio Luca
Luo, Eric
University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine
V46: Postoperative Outcomes and Return to Intended Oncologic Therapy Following Liver Resection in the Geriatric Population
Eric Luo
Lwin, Thinzar
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
A16: Q&A
Thinzar Lwin
A16: Utilization of Surgery for Stage 4 Melanoma in the Immunotherapy Era
Thinzar Lwin
Ly, Catherine
Yale School of Medicine
V53: Elevated Mitotic Rate Is Predictive of Lymph Node Positivity and Recurrence in Thin Melanomas
Catherine Ly
Maduekwe, Ugwuji
Medical College of Wisconsin
ACT PSM Abstract Presentations 2
Ugwuji Maduekwe
Panel: Pursuing a Career in Academia versus Private Practice
Ugwuji Maduekwe
Magge, Deepa
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
ACT PSM: Landmark Trials in Peritoneal Surface Malignancies
Deepa Magge
Deepa Magge
Deepa Magge
Quality and Disparities Parallel Session
Deepa Magge
Mainali, Bigyan
Wake Forest Baptist Health
A6: Q&A
Bigyan Mainali
A6: Resection versus Resection with Ablation: Analysis from the Colorectal Liver Operative Metastasis International Collaborative
Bigyan Mainali
Maithel, Shishir
Discussions and Q&A
Shishir Maithel
Molecular Profiling and Personalized Therapy for Biliary Tract Malignancies: Pushing the Envelope for Resectable Disease
Shishir Maithel
Maker, Ajay
University of California San Francisco
Case Discussion
Ajay Maker
Combination Immunotherapy to Treat Colon Cancer Metastases
Ajay Maker
Meet the Experts: Building a Clinical Practice
Ajay Maker
Malik, Kanuj
Sarvodaya Cancer Institute
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Kanuj Malik
Mammen, Joshua
University of Nebraska
Presentation of cases and panel discussion
Joshua Mammen
Joshua Mammen
Sarcoma and Endocrine Parallel Session
Joshua Mammen
Mangieri, Christopher
Tripler Army Medical Center
A29: Exposure to Neoadjuvant Oxaliplatin Containing Chemotherapy, Does It Effect Intraperitoneal Hyperthermic Chemotherapy Perfusion?
Christopher Mangieri
A29: Q&A
Christopher Mangieri
A38: Q&A
Christopher Mangieri
A38: Switching Perfusion Agents for Repeat Cytoreductive Surgery with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy, Surgical Dogma or Evidence-based Practice?
Christopher Mangieri
Manik, Ritika
University of Pennsylvania
V18: Temporal Trends and Factors Associated with Receipt of Post-mastectomy Radiation (PMRT) After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NACT) in Women with ct3 Breast Cancer
Ritika Manik
Marcus, Rebecca
Saint John's Cancer Institute
AP3 Modern management of GI melanoma metastases: Is surgical resection still a viable option?
Rebecca Marcus
Martin, Robert
University of Louisville School of Medicine, Department of Surgery
A7: Q&A
Robert Martin
A7: Thermal Ablation Enhances Immunotherapeutic Effect of IP-001 on Orthotopic Liver Cancer in a Rat Model
Robert Martin
Matar, Regina
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
8: Impact of Endocrine Therapy Adherence on Locoregional Recurrence (LRR) After Lumpectomy Without Radiotherapy in Older Women
Regina Matar
8: Q&A
Regina Matar
Mayo, Skye
Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Knight Cancer Institute
ACT HPB Abstract Presentations
Skye Mayo
McArthur, Heather
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
10: KEYNOTE-522: Neoadjuvant Pembrolizumab + Chemotherapy vs Placebo + Chemotherapy Followed by Adjuvant Pembrolizumab vs Placebo for Early-stage Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Heather McArthur
10: Q&A
Heather McArthur
Translating Progress With Immunotherapies and Targeted Agents Into Improved Outcomes in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Surgical and Clinical Perspectives on Modern Multimodal Treatment Approaches
Heather McArthur
McCarter, Martin
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Case 2: Merkel Cell
Martin McCarter
McGuire, Kandace
Virginia Commonwealth University
The Choice Is Yours: Non-radioactive Tumor Localization Options on the Market Today
Kandace McGuire
McLaughlin, Sarah
Mayo Clinic
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Sarah McLaughlin
Medin, Caroline
Emory University
V26: High-risk Gene Expression in Colorectal Liver Metastases: Potential for Novel Therapies
Caroline Medin
Mehta, Shivani
UC San Diego School of Medicine
59: Overcoming Barriers to Implementation of Gastric Cancer Surgical Standards Through Tumor Board Engagement: Stakeholder Input
Shivani Mehta
59: Q&A
Shivani Mehta
Mehtsun, Winta
UC San Diego Health | UC San Diego School of Medicine
Sarcoma, Colorectal and Upper GI/Thoracic Virtual Poster Grand Rounds
Winta Mehtsun
Melnitchouk, Nelya
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dana Farber Cancer Center
Treatment of Low-grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasms (LAMN)
Nelya Melnitchouk
Melstrom, Laleh
City of Hope Medical Center
V30: Targeting Fat Mass and Obesity-associated Protein Mitigates Human Colorectal Cancer Growth in vitro and in a Murine Model
Laleh Melstrom
Merchant, Nipun
University of Miami
Overview of the Problem, the Value of Surgeon Scientists in a Department of Surgery and Strategies to Increase the Number of Surgeon Scientists
Nipun Merchant
Meric-Bernstam, Funda
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Design and Conduct of Correlative Scientific Studies
Funda Meric-Bernstam
Meyers, Michael
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
81: Postoperative Complications After Esophagectomy in CALGB 80803 (Alliance) Impact Both Short and Long-term Outcomes
Michael Meyers
81: Q&A
Michael Meyers
Milgrom, Daniel
Providence Saint John's Cancer Institute
V2: Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment During the covid-19 Pandemic: a Health System’s Experience
Daniel Milgrom
Miller, Krislyn
Duke University
V10: Neoadjuvant Therapy for Older Patients with Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer: Comparison of Chemotherapy and Endocrine Approaches
Krislyn Miller
Mishra, Ashutosh
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Ashutosh Mishra
Mittendorf, Elizabeth
Brigham and Womens Hospital/Harvard Medical School
13: Nodal Positivity in Early Stage Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC): Implications for Preoperative Immunotherapy
Elizabeth Mittendorf
13: Q&A
Elizabeth Mittendorf
Miura, John
University of Pennsylvania
Updates in Clinical Management – Neo, Adjuvant Immunotherapy
John Miura
Mohan, Srivarshini
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
V14: Predictive Factors Associated with the Risk of Admission for Outpatient Mastectomy: a Single-institution Experience
Srivarshini Mohan
Moncrieff, Marc
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital
49: Q&A
Marc Moncrieff
49: Risk Stratification of Sentinel Node Metastasis Disease Burden and Phenotype in Stage III Melanoma Patients
Marc Moncrieff
Montgomery, Kelsey
University of Alabama at Birmingham
A14: Q&A
Kelsey Montgomery
A14: Real-world Adherence to Nodal Surveillance for Sentinel Lymph Node Positive Melanoma Patients
Kelsey Montgomery
Moo, Tracy-Ann
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
When You Hear Hoofbeats: Multidisciplinary Management of “Zebra” Breast Malignancies
Tracy-Ann Moo
Morgan, Ryan
University of Chicago Medicine
AP11 Survival in Total Pre-Operative vs. Peri-Operative Chemotherapy for Patients with Metastatic High-Grade Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma Undergoing CRS/HIPEC
Ryan Morgan
Morrow, Monica
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Building Your CV and Navigating Promotions
Monica Morrow
Mouw, Tyler
University of Louisville
65: Disparate Survival for Colorectal Cancer in Rural vs Urban Populations Is Not Explained by Lack of Receipt of Guideline-concordant Therapy
Tyler Mouw
65: Q&A
Tyler Mouw
Mullen, John
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Panel: Pursuing a Career in Academia versus Private Practice
John Mullen
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Fellows Institute II
John Mullen
Mullinax, John
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center
Feasibility of Adoptive Cell Therapy Using TIL in Patients with Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma
John Mullinax
Murimwa, Gilbert
UT Southwestern
V71: Area Deprivation Index Predicts Survival and Access to Specialized Care in Pancreatic Cancer
Gilbert Murimwa
Murphy, Brenna
Mayo Clinic
V13: Predicting Metastatic Potential of Borderline and Malignant Phyllodes Tumors
Brenna Murphy
Murphy, Brittany
Banner MD Anderson
V11: Other Primary Malignancies in Patients with Breast Cancer Who Undergo Germline Panel Testing
Brittany Murphy
Murtaza, Muhammed
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Circulating Tumor DNA and Other Liquid Biopsy Methods: Implications for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Surveillance
Muhammed Murtaza
Naffouje, Samer
Moffitt Cancer Center
V35: All Roads Lead to Rome: Terminal Phenogenotypes of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Do Not Differ Regardless of the Evolutionary Precursor. a Case-control Study
Samer Naffouje
Narayan, Raja
Stanford University
35: Machine Learning Can Predict Recurrence Patterns After Liver Transplantation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients: Analysis from the US Multicenter HCC Transplant Consortium
Raja Narayan
35: Q&A
Raja Narayan
Nash, Amanda
Duke University School of Medicine
2: Association Between Overall Survival and Chemotherapy Receipt According to Age and 21-gene Recurrence Score
Amanda Nash
2: Q&A
Amanda Nash
Nassoiy, Sean
Providence Saint John’s Cancer Institute
V33: R0 Resection and Not Larger Surgical Margins Are Associated with Improved Overall Survival in Early Stage Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Sean Nassoiy
Nathan, Hari
University of Michigan
Improving Surgical Outcomes Through ERAS
Hari Nathan
Panel Discussion
Hari Nathan
Neuman, Heather
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Understanding Socioeconomic Disparities in the Receipt of Post-mastectomy Breast Reconstruction
Heather Neuman
Neves, Rogerio
Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (include SLNB)
Rogerio Neves
Newland, John J
University of Maryland Medical Center
83: Q&A
John J Newland
83: Utilization and Outcomes of Endoscopic Local Excision for Early-stage Gastric Cancers in the United States
John J Newland
Newman, Lisa
Weill Cornell Medicines
Importance of Diverse Workforce to Lessen Cancer Disparity Outcomes
Lisa Newman
Nigam, Aradhya
28: Q&A
Aradhya Nigam
28: Tumor Grade Predicts Calcitonin Doubling Times After Curative Resection of Medullary Thyroid Cancer
Aradhya Nigam
Nizri, Eran
Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
A46: Harnessing the Immunogenic Effect of Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy by Check Point Inhibitor to Treat Peritoneal Metastases from Colonic Origin in an Experimental Murine Model
Eran Nizri
A46: Q&A
Eran Nizri
Nurkin, Steven
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Cancer
Choosing Neoadjuvant Regimens
Steven Nurkin
Ogawa, Katsuhiro
Oita University Faculty of Medicine
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Katsuhiro Ogawa
Ogobuiro, Ifeanyichukwu
University of Miami School of Medicine, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
39: Multi-omic Characterization Reveals a Distinct Molecular Landscape in Young-onset Pancreatic Cancer
Ifeanyichukwu Ogobuiro
39: Q&A
Ifeanyichukwu Ogobuiro
Oki, Eiji
Kyushu University
21: Dynamics of Circulating Tumor DNA After Resection of Colorectal Cancer : GALAXY Study in Circulate-japan
Eiji Oki
21: Q&A
Eiji Oki
Olino, Kelly
Yale School of Medicine
Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Kelly Olino
Tumor Biology and Biomarkers
Kelly Olino
Onesti, Jill
Mercy Health St. Mary's
Unexpected Findings Intra-op (technical Issues) and Post Op Complications During/after Total Gastrectomy
Jill Onesti
Ong, Cecilia
University of Chicago
A31: Insurance Authorization Barriers in Patients Undergoing Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC
Cecilia Ong
A31: Q&A
Cecilia Ong
Ongchin, Melanie
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
AP10 Outcomes after cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion for hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome patients with peritoneal metastases
Melanie Ongchin
Onuma, Amblessed
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
40: Preoperative Exercise Attenuates the Progression of Liver Metastases After Surgical Stress by Altering the Immune Environment
Amblessed Onuma
40: Q&A
Amblessed Onuma
Owusu-Brackett, Nicci
Ohio State University
V17: Rapid Relapse in Black Triple Negative Breast Cancer Patients: What Are the Major Drivers?
Nicci Owusu-Brackett
Pak, Linda
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
58: How Much Pain Will I Have After Surgery? A Preoperative Nomogram to Predict Moderate-severe Pain Following Mastectomy
Linda Pak
58: Q&A
Linda Pak
Pameijer, Colette
Penn State Cancer Institute
ACT Clinical Trials Abstract Presentations
Colette Pameijer
ACT Clinical Trials: Update on PSM Clinical Trials
Colette Pameijer
Colette Pameijer
Colette Pameijer
Colette Pameijer
PANDEY, Kalyan
Manipal Hospital, Hal Road Bangalore
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Papageorge, Marianna
Boston Medical Center
V49: Surveillance Patterns and Survival in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Seer-medicare Analysis
Marianna Papageorge
Parikh, Alexander
East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine
Discussions and Q&A
Alexander Parikh
Integration of Molecular Analysis in the Multidisciplinary Management of HPB Neoplasms
Alexander Parikh
Park, Ko Un
The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
Breast Parallel Session 2
Ko Un Park
Partelli, Stefano
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
Perioperative PRRT in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors
Stefano Partelli
Patel, Sameer
University of Cincinnati
Sameer Patel
Update on US HIPEC “Trial” – Appendiceal
Sameer Patel
Patkar, Shraddha
Tata Memorial Hospital
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Shraddha Patkar
Pawlik, Timothy
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
V72: Association of County-level Upward Economic Mobility with Receipt of Surgical Treatment Among Patients Diagnosed with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Timothy Pawlik
Pelton, Jeffrey
Mary Washington Health Care
4D CT for Localization
Jeffrey Pelton
Pestana, Christine
Atrium Health, Levine Cancer Institute
V5: Does Residual Cancer Burden Predict Local Recurrence After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy?
Christine Pestana
Peterson, Clare
Norwich Medical School
A15: Q&A
Clare Peterson
A15: The Identification of Clinically Relevant Primary Endpoints for Research for in Transit Melanoma Metastases
Clare Peterson
A8: A Simplified Prognostic Classification System for in Transit Melanoma Metastases to Aid Treatment Planning
Clare Peterson
A8: Q&A
Clare Peterson
Philips, Prejesh
University of Louisville
Tips and Tricks for Appropriately Optimizing Coding for Your Surgical Oncology Practice
Prejesh Philips
Piltas, George
A Treatment Option for Patients With High-Risk Early-Stage Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) (Merck Industry Forum)
George Piltas
Polanco, Patricio
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Controversies in the Management of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors
Patricio Polanco
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
Patricio Polanco
Surgical Oncologist's Perspective: Role of Molecular Analysis in Risk Stratification and Management
Patricio Polanco
Porembka, Matthew
UT Southwestern Medical Center
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
Matthew Porembka
SSO 2022 Top-Rated Videos
Matthew Porembka
Posner, Mitchell
University of Chicago Medicine
Virtual Upper GI Great Debate: What Is the Optimal Resection for Proximal Gastric Cancer?
Mitchell Posner
Prathibha, Saranya
University of Minnesota
V19: The Effects of HER2 Positivity on Invasive Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast
Saranya Prathibha
Prieto, Peter
University of Rochester Medical Center
Adoptive Cellular Therapy Using TIL for Solid Tumors
Peter Prieto
DecisionDx-Melanoma: Predicting Individual Risk for Patients with Cutaneous Melanoma (Castle Biosciences Industry Spotlight)
Peter Prieto
Pusztai, Lajos
Yale University Yale Cancer Center
Systemic Therapy for Stage I-III Metaplastic Breast Cancers
Lajos Pusztai
Rahimi Gorji, Mohammad
Ghent University
A21: Computational Investigation of the Effective Forces on Droplets During Electrostatic Precipitation Pressurized Intraperitoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (ePIPAC)
Mohammad Rahimi Gorji
A21: Q&A
Mohammad Rahimi Gorji
Ramser, Michaela
University Hospital Zurich, Department of General-, HPB- and Transplantation Surgery
V21: Challenging the Theory of a Chronological Lymphatic-hematologic Tumor Cell Spread - The Simultaneous Presence of Isolated Tumor Cells and Bone Marrow Micrometastases in Stage I & II Colon Cancer
Michaela Ramser
Rana, Huma
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
What You Need to Know About Genetic Syndromes Associated with Sarcomas: Focus on Li-fraumeni Syndrome and Type 1 Neurofibromatosis
Huma Rana
Raoof, Mustafa
Department of Surgery, Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics
ACT Applied Research: Intraperitoneal Drug Delivery: Current Translational Research
Mustafa Raoof
ACT PSM 2: Novel Therapies, What’s New and What’s Coming for Peritoneal Surface
Mustafa Raoof
AP18 Safety and efficacy of pressurized intraperitoneal aerosolized chemotherapy in appendiceal and colorectal cancer patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis: A first-in-US phase I study
Mustafa Raoof
Mustafa Raoof
Mustafa Raoof
Novel therapies, What’s New and What’s Coming for Peritoneal Surface
Mustafa Raoof
Mustafa Raoof
Mustafa Raoof
Raut, Chandrajit
Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School
Sarcoma Great Debate: Neoadjuvant radiation therapy is useless for primary retroperitoneal sarcoma!
Chandrajit Raut
Whoops! Now What? The Unexpected Positive Margin in Sarcoma Surgery
Chandrajit Raut
Rayman, Shlomi
71: Robotic Extended Central Hepatectomy for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
Shlomi Rayman
Raza, Asad
The Future of Digital Surgery: Leveraging Innovation for Challenging Procedures (Ethicon/Neuwave Industry Spotlight)
Asad Raza
Rhodin, Kristen
Duke University Medical Center
80: Patterns and Impact of Fractured Care on Outcomes in Stage II and III Gastric Cancer
Kristen Rhodin
80: Q&A
Kristen Rhodin
A11: Disease Progression and Trends in the Management of in Transit Melanoma
Kristen Rhodin
A11: Q&A
Kristen Rhodin
Rilling, William
Medical College of Wisconsin
William Rilling
Y90 Perspective
William Rilling
Rocha, Flavio
Knight Cancer Institute, Oregon Health and Science University
Updates in HPB Clinical Trials: How to Incorporate Clinical Trials in Your Institution
Flavio Rocha
Rojas-Alexandre, Mehida
Brigham and Women's Hospital
63: Novel Double-loaded Implantable Paclitaxel-eluting Polymer (Pax-film) to Prevent of Locoregional Recurrence After Resection of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma (RPS)
Mehida Rojas-Alexandre
63: Q&A
Mehida Rojas-Alexandre
Roland, Christina
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
From Bench to Bedside: Translational Clinical Trials
Christina Roland
Rosenberger, Laura
Duke University Medical Center
Phyllodes Tumor: Updates and Opportunities
Laura Rosenberger
Phyllodes Tumors of the Breast: An Overview and Updates in Management
Laura Rosenberger
Roses, Robert
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
HPB Parallel Session 2
Robert Roses
Ross, Merrick
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
SLN Biopsy Should Not Be Offered to Patients with Clinical Stage IIB/C Melanoma (Pro)
Merrick Ross
Rubinstein, Jill
The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, UCONN School of Medicine, Hartford Healthcare
V67: Deep Learning Analysis of Sarcoma Histology Correlates Imaging Features with Clinicopathologic Characteristics
Jill Rubinstein
Saadat, Lily
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
A3: Hepatic Arterial Infusion Pump Chemotherapy for Management of Unresectable Colorectal Liver Metastases with Extrahepatic Disease
Lily Saadat
A3: Q&A
Lily Saadat
Sabel, Michael
University of Michigan
Benefits of Survivorship for You and Your Patient
Michael Sabel
V54: Implementation Outcomes for Active Surveillance with Ultrasound (U/S) Following a Positive Sentinel Lymph Node (SLN) in Melanoma at an Academic Medical Center
Michael Sabel
Saif, Areeba
National Institutes of Health
75: Using an ex-vivo Human Tumor Platform to Perform Dynamic Live Tumor Imaging
Areeba Saif
75: Q&A
Areeba Saif
Sanders, Stacy
Mayo Clinic
19: Q&A
Stacy Sanders
19: Sentinel Lymph Node Metastasis Size and Tumor Biology Predict Non-sentinel Lymph Node Involvement After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer
Stacy Sanders
Sarkar, Joy
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
A44: Conjugated Bile Acids Accelerate Progression of Pancreatic Cancer Metastasis via S1PR2 Signaling in Obstructive Jaundice
Joy Sarkar
A44: Q&A
Joy Sarkar
A47: Intratumoral Density of Regulatory T Cells Is a Predictor of Host Immune Response and Chemotherapy Response Rate in Metastases from Colorectal Cancer
Joy Sarkar
A47: Q&A
Joy Sarkar
Satyananda, Vikas
Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center
69: Q&A
Vikas Satyananda
69: Robot Assisted Transgastric Resection of Leiomyoma at Gastroesophageal Junction
Vikas Satyananda
Sbaity, Eman
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Eman Sbaity
Scally, Christopher
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Improving Surgical Outcomes Through Frailty Assessment and Prehabilitation
Christopher Scally
Scheri, Randall
Duke University
Management of Challenging Thyroid Cancer
Randall Scheri
Schiffman, Suzanne
Allegheny Health Network
Suzanne Schiffman
Schwartz, Patrick
University of Wisconsin, Madison
A36: Q&A
Patrick Schwartz
A36: Rethinking Routine Intensive Care Following Cytoreductive Surgery with Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy: The Fiscal Argument
Patrick Schwartz
Senders, Zachary
University of Louisville
52: Q&A
Zachary Senders
52: Stage Migration as a Consequence of Omitting Completion Lymph Node Dissection for Melanoma
Zachary Senders
Senthil, Maheswari
University of California, Irvine
ACT: Applied Research Abstract Presentations
Maheswari Senthil
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Maheswari Senthil
Seo, Yongwoo
MD Anderson Cancer Center
62: Intratumoral Injection of the Toll-like Receptor 4 Agonist G100 Induces Durable Local Control and Causes Immune Activation in the Tumor Microenvironment in Metastatic Soft Tissue Sarcomas
Yongwoo Seo
62: Q&A
Yongwoo Seo
Shaha, Ashok
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Virtual Endocrine Great Debate: Is Observation an Acceptable Management for Well Differentiated Thyroid Cancer?
Ashok Shaha
Shah, Manan
Basavatarakam Indo American Cancer Hospital and Research Institute
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Manan Shah
Shah, Shimul
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Bridging Therapies Prior to Transplant for HCC: Is There a Gold Standard?
Shimul Shah
Liver Transplantion for Colorectal Liver Metastases (Pro)
Shimul Shah
Rebuttals, Post-questions and Discussion
Shimul Shah
Shannon, Adrienne
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
50: Q&A
Adrienne Shannon
50: Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Patients with t1a Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma
Adrienne Shannon
Sharib, Jeremy
Department of Surgery
A4: Perioperative and Oncologic Outcomes of Hepatic Artery Infusion Pump Therapy at an Expanding HAI Program
Jeremy Sharib
A4: Q&A
Jeremy Sharib
Sheldon, Yarrow
Christiana Care
AP17 Review of safety data for Adenovirus 5 (Ad5) as a delivery vector for intratumoral cancer gene therapy
Yarrow Sheldon
Shia, Jinru
Pathology of Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasms
Jinru Shia
Shibata, David
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Colorectal Great Debate: Total Neoadjuvant Therapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
David Shibata
Shoup, Margo
Orlando Health Cancer Institute
Hiring in a Community-based Program
Margo Shoup
Sibia, Udai
Anne Arundel Medical Center
15: Oncotypedx Testing Does Not Appear to Benefit Patients with Grade 1, Progesterone Receptor Positive Breast Cancers: A Tailorx Validated Study
Udai Sibia
15: Q&A
Udai Sibia
Sicklick, Jason
UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center
Molecular Profiling to Personalize Therapies for Advanced Cancer: Successes, Failures, and Current Trials
Jason Sicklick
Siegel, Emily
Keck School of Medicine of USC
Intraoperative Margin Assessment for Breast Cancer
Emily Siegel
Silva, Jeronimo
Hospital do Cancer de Pernambuco
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Jeronimo Silva
Silver, Casey
Northwestern University
V45: Neoadjuvant Therapy in Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Improved Outcomes or Just Rearranging the Deck Chairs?
Casey Silver
Singal, Amit
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Immunotherapy and HCC: Not Just for Advanced HCC
Amit Singal
Singer, Samuel
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
CONCUR – There Is No Indication for Radiation Therapy
Samuel Singer
Sinnamon, Andrew
Moffitt Cancer Institute
V48: Risk Assessment and Stratification for Hepatic Resection with Simultaneous Visceral Resection
Andrew Sinnamon
V80: Tumor Regression Grade and Overall Survival Following Gastrectomy with Neoadjuvant Therapy for Gastric Cancer
Andrew Sinnamon
Skitzki, Joseph
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
A45: Early Observations from Clinical Trial of Intra-arterial Curaxin CBL0137
Joseph Skitzki
A45: Q&A
Joseph Skitzki
ACT: Applied Research Abstract Presentations
Joseph Skitzki
Introductions and Case Study Presentations
Joseph Skitzki
Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy
Joseph Skitzki
Tumor Board: Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy and TVEC for Melanoma
Joseph Skitzki
Smith, J. Joshua
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Long-term Surveillance and Timing of Surgery for Regrowth
J. Joshua Smith
Snyder, Rebecca
Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University
How Can Molecular Analysis Resolve Dilemmas in IPMN Management?
Rebecca Snyder
Prehabilitation: Who Should Undergo Prehab and What Is the Best Intervention?
Rebecca Snyder
Solórzano, Carmen
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Auto-fluorescence Probe Based Identification
Carmen Solórzano
Case Presentation
Carmen Solórzano
Solsky, Ian
Wake Forest
A37: Q&A
Ian Solsky
A37: Survival Outcomes of Optimally-treated Colorectal Metastases: The Importance of R0 Status in Hepatic and Peritoneal Surface Disease
Ian Solsky
AP9 Opioid and Psychotropic Medication Use in Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Patients
Ian Solsky
Sonal, Swati
Massachusetts General Hospital
V28: Molecular Basis of Extramural Vascular Invasion (EMVI) Positive Colorectal Carcinoma
Swati Sonal
Sondak, Vernon
Moffitt Cancer Center
SLN Biopsy Should Not Be Offered to Patients with Clinical Stage IIB/C Melanoma (Con)
Vernon Sondak
Soran, Atilla
Atilla Soran
Q&A and Discussion
Atilla Soran
Virtual Breast Session: Locoregional Management for Stage IV Breast Cancer
Atilla Soran
Sparano, Joseph
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Locoregional Management: Presentation 3
Joseph Sparano
Q&A and Discussion
Joseph Sparano
Spielbauer, Katie
Michigan Medicine
46: C-terminal hsp90 Inhibitors Overcome MEK and BRAF Inhibitor Resistance in Melanoma
Katie Spielbauer
46: Q&A
Katie Spielbauer
Spitz, Francis
Cooper University Hospital
Great Debate: Immunotherapy for GI Malignancy. Is It Primetime?
Francis Spitz
Srour, Marissa
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
V20: Who Are We Missing: Does Engagement in Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM) for Breast Cancer Vary by Age, Race, and Disease Stage?
Marissa Srour
Stafford, Arielle
Mayo Clinic
7: Factors Associated with Axillary Dissection in Breast Conserving Surgery or Mastectomy for ct1-2n0 Breast Cancer with 1-2 Positive Sentinel Lymph Node(s)
Arielle Stafford
7: Q&A
Arielle Stafford
Staley, Charles
ACT 2022 Chair Lecture: ACT: Surgeons Leading Therapeutic Clinical Trials: An Opportunity for Multi-disciplinary Collaboration
Charles Staley
ACT 2022 Welcome
Charles Staley
Stewart, Camille
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Skin Cancer Tumor Board: (2 Cases – Melanoma, Merkel Cell Carcinoma)
Camille Stewart
Virtual Melanoma Great Debate: SLN Biopsy Should Not Be Offered to Patients with Clinical Stage IIB/C Melanoma
Camille Stewart
Stiles, Zachary
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Institute
V79: The Utility and Relevance of Subcarinal Lymph Node Dissection During Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy for Gastroesophageal Junction Tumors
Zachary Stiles
Stitzenberg, Karyn
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Extended and Multivisceral Resections for Colorectal Cancer: indications, Technique and Outcome
Karyn Stitzenberg
Indications of Local Excision
Karyn Stitzenberg
Straker, Richard
University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
V56: Prognostic Significance of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes in a Contemporary Melanoma Cohort
Richard Straker
Strijbos, Bo
Máxima Medical Centre
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Bo Strijbos
Sturgeon, Cord
Northwestern University
Is Observation an Acceptable Management Option for Well Differentiated Thyroid Cancer? (Con)
Cord Sturgeon
Sucandy, Iswanto
AdventHealth Tampa
71: Q&A
Iswanto Sucandy
74: Q&A
Iswanto Sucandy
74: Techniques and Outcomes of Robotic Resection for Perihilar & Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Requiring Biliary Reconstruction
Iswanto Sucandy
Sullivan, Brittany
University of California - Irvine General Surgery
A19: Circulating Tumor DNA Is Unreliable to Detect Somatic Gene Alterations in Gastrointestinal Peritoneal Carcinomatosis
Brittany Sullivan
A19: Q&A
Brittany Sullivan
A34: Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Vascularized Micro-tumor (VMT) as a Platform for Drug Testing
Brittany Sullivan
A34: Q&A
Brittany Sullivan
Sullivan, Kevin
City of Hope
60: Q&A
Kevin Sullivan
60: The Hidden Costs of Medicare Advantage: Association with Limited Access to High-volume Complex Cancer Surgery and Detriment in Long-term Survival
Kevin Sullivan
76: A Unique Immunosuppressive Macrophage Transcriptional Signature Is a Poor Prognostic Biomarker in Primary Upper GI Cancer
Kevin Sullivan
76: Q&A
Kevin Sullivan
AP14 Multicenter Dose Escalation Phase 1 trial of Mitomycin C Pressurized Intraperitoneal Aerosolized Chemotherapy in Combination with Systemic Chemotherapy for Appendiceal and Colorectal Carcinomatosis
Kevin Sullivan
Sun, Steven
Ohio State University
V51: Characterization of Peroxynitrite Generation by Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells in Patients with Advanced Melanoma
Steven Sun
Suraju, Mohammed
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
V22: Conditional Survival After Total Neoadjuvant vs Standard Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation in Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
Mohammed Suraju
Sutton, Thomas
Oregon Health and Science University
55: A Perioperative Bundle for Reduction of Incisional Surgical Site Infections Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy: A Pre-post Intervention Study
Thomas Sutton
55: Q&A
Thomas Sutton
Swallow, Carol
University of Toronto
DISSENT – There Is Indication for Radiation
Carol Swallow
Swinarska, Joanna
Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
70: Q&A
Joanna Swinarska
70: Robotic Excision of a Type I Choledochal Cyst with Roux-en-y Hepaticojejunostomy
Joanna Swinarska
Tadros, Audree
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Metaplastic Breast Cancer: Treatment Considerations in the Modern Era
Audree Tadros
Surgical Considerations in Metaplastic Breast Cancer
Audree Tadros
Takahashi, Hideo
Mount Sinai South Nassau
77: Gastric Cancer with Enhanced Apical Junction Pathway Score Has Increased Metastatic Potential and Worse Clinical Outcomes
Hideo Takahashi
77: Q&A
Hideo Takahashi
Tanabe, Kenneth
Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital
Discussions and Q&A
Kenneth Tanabe
The Role of Molecular Analysis in the Management of Hepatic Adenomas
Kenneth Tanabe
Tawbi, Hussein
Linking Immunotherapy to Better Outcomes in Resectable Melanoma: Guidance on Integrating Immune-Based Adjuvant and Neoadjuvant Options
Hussein Tawbi
Tchou, Julia
University of Pennsylvannia
16: Preliminary Results of a Phase ib/2 Window of Opportunity Clinical Trial (NCT04454528) Assessing the Effects of Preoperative (preop) Pembrolizumab +/- radiation in Early-stage Breast Cancer (eBC)
Julia Tchou
16: Q&A
Julia Tchou
Teisberg, Elizabeth
University of Texas at Austin
James Ewing Lecture: Value-based Delivery of Cancer Care
Elizabeth Teisberg
Teke, Martha
National Cancer Institute - National Institute of Health
54: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Surgical Oncology Societies: A Membership Perspective
Martha Teke
54: Q&A
Martha Teke
Terando, Alicia
University of Southern California
Breast Parallel Session 2
Alicia Terando
Thalji, Sam
Medical College of Wisconsin
30: Biliary Complications During Neoadjuvant Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer
Sam Thalji
30: Q&A
Sam Thalji
Therien, Aaron
Duke University Medical Center
51: Q&A
Aaron Therien
51: Spatial Biology Analysis Reveals the Location and Activation of B Cells in Sentinel Lymph Nodes Correlate with Prognosis in Melanoma Patients
Aaron Therien
Theriot, Jared
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
53: Q&A
Jared Theriot
53: T-VEC Treatment Reverses PD-1 Resistance by Altering the Microenvironment of Tumors
Jared Theriot
Throckmorton, Alyssa
BMG Memphis Breast Care
Panel: Pursuing a Career in Academia versus Private Practice
Alyssa Throckmorton
Tieniber, Andrew
University of Pennsylvania
64: Q&A
Andrew Tieniber
64: Single-cell RNA Sequencing Reveals Differential Tumor Cell Response to Imatinib in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor
Andrew Tieniber
Tillman, Matthew
TEM, TAMIS and Robotic Approaches to Local Excision
Matthew Tillman
Tiwari, Ankur
University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
24: Q&A
Ankur Tiwari
24: Results of a Phase I Trial of Neoadjuvant Pallov-cc Vaccine in Colorectal Cancer
Ankur Tiwari
Topalian, Suzanne
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg-Kimmel Inst. for Cancer Immunotherapy
John Wayne Clinical Research Lecture: Neoadjuvant Immune Checkpoint Blockade: A Pre-surgical Window into Treatment Response and Primary Resistance
Suzanne Topalian
Torphy, Robert
University of Colorado
V55: Lymphatic Endothelial G Protein-coupled Receptor 182 Scavenges Chemokines and Promotes Immunotherapy Resistance in Melanoma
Robert Torphy
Torres, Keila
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
What You Need to Know About Genetic Syndromes Associated with Sarcomas: Focus on Li-fraumeni Syndrome and Type 1 Neurofibromatosis
Keila Torres
Tower, Amelia
Texas Health Breast Specialists, Texas Health Resources
A New Paradigm for Intraoperative Margin Visualization with OCT + Future AI (Perimeter Industry Spotlight)
Amelia Tower
Tran, Christine
University of Virginia Health
A10: Cancer Vaccine Plus Intratumoral IFNγ or Topical TLR7 Agonist Promote Vaccine-induced T Cell Infiltration of Melanoma Metastases
Christine Tran
A10: Q&A
Christine Tran
Traweek, Raymond
MD Anderson Cancer Center
V69: Re-excision After Unplanned Excision of Soft Tissue Sarcoma Is Associated with High Morbidity and Limited Pathologic Identification of Residual Disease
Raymond Traweek
Tsung, Allan
The Ohio State University
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
Allan Tsung
Turaga, Kiran
University of Chicago
Building Your Clinical Practice and Understanding Rvus
Kiran Turaga
Turner, Kevin
University of Cincinnati
A27: Do Lymph Node Metastases Matter in Appendiceal Cancer with Peritoneal Carcinomatosis? A US HIPEC Collaborative Study
Kevin Turner
A27: Q&A
Kevin Turner
Turner, Michael
University of California, San Diego
33: Fluorescence-guided Surgery and Adjuvant Photoimmunotherapy Using a Single Fluorescent Antibody Reduces the Frequency of Metastatic Recurrence in an Orthotopic Nude Mouse Model of Pancreatic Cancer
Michael Turner
33: Q&A
Michael Turner
Tushoski-Alemán, Gerik
University of Florida
V39: Differentially Expressed Micrornas from Cancer-associated Fibroblasts Display Tumor-suppressive Behaviors in Pancreatic Cancer
Gerik Tushoski-Alemán
Tustumi, Francisco
Universidade de São Paulo
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Francisco Tustumi
Tuttle, Todd
University of Minnesota
Can We Pick the Winners for Targeted Axillary Dissection? pro
Todd Tuttle
Tyler, Douglas
University of Texas Medical Branch
Charles M. Balch Distinguished Service Award
Douglas Tyler
James Ewing Lecture: Value-based Delivery of Cancer Care
Douglas Tyler
John Wayne Clinical Research Lecture: Neoadjuvant Immune Checkpoint Blockade: A Pre-surgical Window into Treatment Response and Primary Resistance
Douglas Tyler
Meet the Experts: Meet the SSO Leadership
Douglas Tyler
Plenary Session I
Douglas Tyler
SSO Presidential Address: What Is a Surgical Oncologist: Evolution of Surgical Oncology and the Society of Surgical Oncology in an Era of Hyperspecialization
Douglas Tyler
Ullman, Nicholas
University of Rochester Medical Center
A42: A Phase I Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of SX-682 in Combination with anti-pd1 as Maintenance Therapy for Unresectable Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Nicholas Ullman
A42: Q&A
Nicholas Ullman
Valenzuela, Cristian
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
32: Conditional Survival After Hepatectomy for Colorectal Liver Metastasis: Results from the Colorectal Liver Operative Metastasis International Collaborative
Cristian Valenzuela
32: Q&A
Cristian Valenzuela
A32: Long-term Survival in 107 Patients Treated with Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Peritoneal Mesothelioma at a Single High-volume Center
Cristian Valenzuela
A32: Q&A
Cristian Valenzuela
van Driel, Willemien
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, Nederlands Kanker Instituut
Willemien van Driel
Willemien van Driel
Role of HIPEC In Ovarian Cancer
Willemien van Driel
van Ramshorst, Gabrielle
Ghent University Hospital
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Gabrielle van Ramshorst
Varley, Patrick
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Frailty Assessment: Who Needs It: What Is the Best Assessment?
Patrick Varley
Vashist, Yogesh
Medias Klinikum Burghausen
AP1 Efficacy of regional chemotherapy as arterial infusion, hypoxic stop-flow abdominal and isolated-thoracic perfusion in diffuse recurrent and primary metastatic cholangio-cellular carcinoma
Yogesh Vashist
Vining, Charles
Penn State Medical Center
Job Negotiation: The Junior Faculty Perspective
Charles Vining
V, Karthik
Cancer Institute, Adyar
Global Partner Posters Grand Rounds: On-Demand Pre-Recording
Karthik V
Vohra, Nasreen
Brody School of Medicine
Hot Topics in Melanoma
Nasreen Vohra
Votanopoulos, Konstantinos
Wake Forest University
ACT: Translational Science: The Role of Organoids in Cytoreductive/hipec Surgery
Konstantinos Votanopoulos
Human Organoids for Translational Research
Konstantinos Votanopoulos
Wachtel, Heather
University of Pennsylvania
Case Presentation
Heather Wachtel
What Is New in Parathyroid Localization, Identification and Preservation?
Heather Wachtel
Wang, Jipig
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Cases Discussion with Panel
Jipig Wang
Wang, Tracy
Medical College of Wisconsin
Is Observation an Acceptable Management Option for Well Differentiated Thyroid Cancer? (Pro)
Tracy Wang
Ward, Erin
Medical College of WIsconsin
34: Impact of Neoadjuvant Treatment on Psychosocial Wellbeing in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer
Erin Ward
34: Q&A
Erin Ward
Wargo, Jen
Linking Immunotherapy to Better Outcomes in Resectable Melanoma: Guidance on Integrating Immune-Based Adjuvant and Neoadjuvant Options
Jen Wargo
Warner, Susanne
Mayo Clinic
Gene Therapies & Viral Delivery Systems
Susanne Warner
Wasif, Nabil
Mayo Clinic Arizona
V65: Understanding Inpatient Mortality Following Major Surgery- whose Fault Is It Anyway?
Nabil Wasif
Weber, Sharon
UW Health/UW Madison
Discussions and Q&A
Sharon Weber
Plenary Session I
Sharon Weber
Weiser, Martin
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Colorectal Great Debate: Total Neoadjuvant Therapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
Martin Weiser
Weiss, Jessica
Saint John's Cancer Institute
V58: Variability in the Surgical Management of Thick Melanoma
Jessica Weiss
Weitz, Jonathan
University of California, San Diego
A17: A Novel Ex vivo Organotypic Culture Platform for Functional Interrogation of Appendiceal Cancer Reveals CDK4/6 Inhibition as an Actionable Therapeutic Approach
Jonathan Weitz
A17: Q&A
Jonathan Weitz
White, Richard
Atrium Health-Levine Cancer Institute
Hot Topics in Melanoma
Richard White
Wiener, Alyssa
University of Wisconsin Madison School of Medicine and Public Health
V7: Incidence of Radiation-associated Sarcoma After Breast Conserving Surgery Plus Radiation
Alyssa Wiener
Wilke, Lee
University of Wisconsin
Surgeons as Entrepreneurs? The How, When and Why of Innovation
Lee Wilke
The Technology of Surgical Navigation; Modernizing the Breast Surgeon’s Tools (Elucent Industry Spotlight Session)
Lee Wilke
Williams, Austin
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
12: Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer in the Elderly: Are We Accomplishing Our Treatment Goals?
Austin Williams
12: Q&A
Austin Williams
14: Omission of Intraoperative Frozen Section May Reduce Axillary Overtreatment Among Clinically Node-negative Patients Having Upfront Mastectomy
Austin Williams
14: Q&A
Austin Williams
Williams, Richelle
University of Maryland
Role of the Surgical Oncologist in the Era of Immunotherapy for Esophageal Cancers
Richelle Williams
Willis, Alliric
Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University
Disparities in Cancer Care Outcomes: What Is the Data?
Alliric Willis
Wilson, Tanner
University of Pittsburgh
V24: Elevated Carcinoembryonic Antigen Warrants Adjuvant Chemotherapy in High-risk Stage II Colon Cancer
Tanner Wilson
Witt, Russell
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
47: Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy for Merkel Cell Carcinoma: A Tertiary Referral Center Experience
Russell Witt
47: Q&A
Russell Witt
Wong, Sandra
Hiring at an Academic Institution
Sandra Wong
Meet the Experts: Meet the SSO Leadership
Sandra Wong
Plenary Session II
Sandra Wong
SSO Presidential Address: What Is a Surgical Oncologist: Evolution of Surgical Oncology and the Society of Surgical Oncology in an Era of Hyperspecialization
Sandra Wong
Yeh, Jen Jen
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Discussions and Q&A
Jen Jen Yeh
The Future of Precision Medicine in the Management of Pancreatic Cancer
Jen Jen Yeh
Yonkus, Jennifer
Mayo Clinic
A2: Cytoreduction with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemoperfusion for Pancreatic Cancer with Low-volume Peritoneal Metastases: A Phase I Clinical Trial
Jennifer Yonkus
A2: Q&A
Jennifer Yonkus
Yoon, Sam
Columbia University Irving Medical Center
82: Q&A
Sam Yoon
82: Tumor-derived Organoids from Patients with Locally Advanced Gastric Adenocarcinoma Can Predict Resistance to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Sam Yoon
Yopp, Adam
UT Southwestern Medical Center
How to Become an NIH Funded Investigator in a “team Science” Environment (When You Don't Want to Be the PI of a Lab)
Adam Yopp
Paradigm Shift in the Treatment Options of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Adam Yopp
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
Adam Yopp
Young, Geoffrey
Miami Cancer Institute
Papillary Thyroid Cancer
Geoffrey Young
Transoral Robotic Surgery
Geoffrey Young
Young, Stephanie
Saint John's Cancer Institute
AP6 Cytoreductive Surgery for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer in the Era of Modern Systemic Therapy – a Shifting Paradigm!
Stephanie Young
You, Y. Nancy
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Total Neoadjuvant Therapy Should Be Used Routinely and Considered the New Standard for Locally Advanced (T3/4 or N+) Rectal Cancer (Pro)
Y. Nancy You
Yu, Jingjing
University of California, Irvine Medical Center
A28: Exosome Liquid Biopsy in Colon Cancer Utilizing RNA Biomarkers: An Initial Analysis
Jingjing Yu
A28: Q&A
Jingjing Yu
Zafar, Syed Nabeel
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Disparities in Cancer Care Outcomes and Mitigation Strategies
Syed Nabeel Zafar
Zaveri, Shruti
The Mount Sinai Hospital
V60: Assessment of Surgeon Familiarity with Newly Implemented Commission on Cancer Operative Standards
Shruti Zaveri
Zeh, Herbert
UT Southwestern Medical Center
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
Herbert Zeh
Zureikat, Amer
University of Pittsburgh
V36: Biotissue Training Curriculum Correlates with Intraoperative Performance for Robotic Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Amer Zureikat
V47: Predictors of Recurrence and Survival in Resectable Distal Pancreatic Cancer
Amer Zureikat
SSO 2022 Pre-meeting Robotics Surgery
Amer Zureikat
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