Director MSK Sarcoma Center
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, New York, United States
Dr. Singer is an Attending Surgical Oncologist and an internationally-recognized expert on the diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue sarcoma. At Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK), Dr Singer serves as Chief of the Gastric and Mixed Tumor Service in the Division of Surgical Oncology and the Director of the MSK Sarcoma Center. He is the PI of the MSKCC SPORE in Soft Tissue Sarcoma (active since 2010). Dr Singer is a Co-leader of the tri-institutional (MSKCC, Rockefeller University and the Broad Institute at MIT) Sarcoma Genome Project, a tri-institutional network that aims to harness state-of-the-art technologies in cancer genomics to advance the genetic characterization of soft tissue sarcoma. He is the Director of MSKCC’s Sarcoma Biology Laboratory, where his research efforts focus on performing a comprehensive integrated molecular, genetic, biochemical and functional analysis of soft tissue sarcoma. His lab employs genome-wide analysis of microRNA and protein-coding gene expression and copy number alterations to characterize specific sarcoma types/subtypes and to select subtype-specific therapeutic targets and biomarkers of therapeutic response and clinical outcome. Dr Singer’s lab was the first to integrate large-scale analyses of expression, copy number alterations, and mutations in soft tissue sarcoma. Central to these laboratory-based studies is the correlation to clinical, pathologic, and outcome data available from a remarkable clinical sarcoma database that has been prospectively collected since 1982 containing over 14,000 patients. In 2002, Dr Singer established a comprehensive sarcoma tissue bank and cell line resource which is linked to the clinical database enabling large scale genomic and functional studies across a wide array of sarcoma types. In addition to his administrative and research responsibilities Dr. Singer also maintains a large clinical practice that is focused solely on the care of patients with soft tissue sarcoma.
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
Friday, March 11, 2022
2:05 PM – 2:20 PM CST