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Covid Code of Conduct

The Ecological Society of America and the Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution (herein ESA/CSEE) is offering in-person attendance at its Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada pursuant to local government orders and public health guidance on such gatherings. ESA/CSEE is committed to hosting a safe event for all participants and to this end, requires all attendees to comply with safety precautions specified for Montreal, Canada, Province of Quebec, the Canadian Government, and the Palais des congrès de Montréal in addition to the World Health Organization (WHO) and US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and recommendations.

Refusal to wear your mask is a violation of this code of conduct and may be grounds to ask that you leave the center. You can report violations here.

By acknowledging these protocols and waiver of liability, I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:

  • COVID-19. I am aware of the existence of COVID-19, and that my participation in an in-person meeting may cause injury, illness or death to myself and/or my family.
  • Symptoms. I will not attend in-person if I have experienced symptoms such as: fever, fatigue, difficulty breathing, dry cough, or other symptoms related to COVID-19 within 72 hours prior to my scheduled arrival.
  • Isolation/Quarantine. I will not attend if I must isolate or quarantine because I may have been exposed to a person with COVID-19, if I am awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test, if I have been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days, or if I have tested positive on a rapid test, even if I am not experiencing symptoms.
  • COVID-19 Exposure. I will not attend if I have been in close physical contact (six feet or closer for at least 15 minutes cumulatively over a 24-hour period) with a person who is known to have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 or with anyone who has symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within the last 14 days.
  • Vaccination. I have received the initial COVID-19 vaccines. ESA highly recommends that you receive boosters also.
  • Behavior. While at the event, I will follow all health and safety protocols as required by the facility and ESA/CSEE. These precautions may include, but are not limited to, engaging in appropriate social distancing, wearing a mask in public areas and meeting spaces (if required), minimizing face touching, frequently washing my hands and avoiding high-risk environments such as overcrowded bars or restaurants.
  • Masks. I will wear an appropriate mask, as recommended by the CDC and local public health departments, at all times while indoors at the convention center, including while presenting. My mask will cover my nose and mouth and can be described as an N95, KN95, surgical or multi-layered mask. I may remove my mask briefly for eating and drinking, and I will resume wearing a mask promptly when finished. During poster sessions in the exhibit hall, food and beverages will be available in a different part of the exhibit hall, separate from the posters. If I am eating or drinking I will remain in the refreshment area and wait to browse posters or approach poster presenters until I am finished and masked. I will only approach posters while masked.
  • On-site illness. Once I am onsite at the event, I agree not to attend the meeting if I am experiencing symptoms such as: fever, fatigue, difficulty breathing, dry cough, or other symptoms related to COVID-19. I agree to promptly report a positive COVID-19 test to the designated authority.
  • Expenses due to COVID-19. I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for all costs related to COVID-19 virus prevention and mitigation, including testing, medical care, extended hotel stays, changes in travel arrangements, and any other expenses related to COVID-19.
  • Waiver of Liability. I agree to sign and uphold the Waiver of Liability provided to me during registration.

I have read and understand the Code of Conduct. I further understand violating any portion of this code of conduct may result in removal from event activities without refund or warning and exclusion from attending future events. It is agreed that if my registration was made by someone else, these rules will still apply to me.