State University of Campinas-UNICAMP, Brazil
Graduated in Biological Sciences from Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá, Master and Doctorate from the Agricultural Microbiology program from the Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences - FCAV/Unesp Jaboticabal, in Molecular Biology of Microorganisms, with emphasis on analysis of gene expression by PCR in Real time, isolation and characterization of microorganisms applied in bioremediation. Post doctorate at the University of São Paulo working in Clinical Microbiology, General Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Interactions between Microorganisms and Hosts, Applied Microbiology, Ecosystem Services, Bioprospecting, Bioremediation and Resistome/Mobiloma. She has been working as a Post-Doctor at the State University of Campinas-UNICAMP for three years, with metagenomic studies of microbial communities of endo-periodontal infections. She has skills in culture-independent techniques and analysis of the structure and composition of microbial communities, with an emphasis on DNA extraction techniques, whether prepared or ready protocols, for example DNA extraction kits, PCR and qPCR technique, and sequencing (platforms, Sanger, Illumina and Ion Torrent). She has skills in Bioinformatics for data analysis from next-generation sequencing, using Qiime, MG-RAST, Trimmomatic, Spades, Soap, Quast, Prokka software. She also dominates the statistical software PAST, PRIMER, CANOCO, R, STAMP.A.