Excellence in Endodontics is a family business started by Dr. Gary Carr focusing on quality USA manufactured instruments. We manufacture ultrasonic tips, the brightest and clearest HD photography mirrors on the market, specialized measuring gauges, surgical instruments and numerous other Endodontic instruments with a focus on ergonomics. We also host educational videos on our website to help promote the field of endodontics. In addition to our own products, we proudly carry instruments and products from Laschal Surgical, Quicksplint, ClinicShield, K1 and many others from high end manufacturers. Excellence in Endodontics has been proudly serving the endodontic community for over 20 years.
Excellence in Endodontics (EIE2)
Excellence in Endodontics (EIE2.com)
6235 Lusk Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92121