VP Chief Health Equity Officer IU Health , Indiana, United States
Brownsyne Tucker Edmonds, MD MS MPH: No financial relationships to disclose
• Define the terms ‘Weathering’ ‘Misogynoir’ and ‘Controlling Images’ • Identify Controlling Images (e.g. archetypes and tropes) justify misogynoir by shaping and organizing societal expectations and mistreatment of Black women • Characterize examples of misogynoir and its impact on clinical care, academic medicine, and medical education
Learning Objectives:
Define the terms "weathering" "misognoir" and "Controlling Images"
Identify controlling images (e.g. archetypes and tropes) justify misogynoir by shaping and organizing societal epectations and mistreatment of Black women.
Characterize examples of misogynoir and its impact on clincial care, academic medicine, and medial education