PGY-1 Womack Army Medical Center Maywood, Illinois, United States
Marian Acevedo Alvarez, MD, MPH: No financial relationships to disclose
Female identifying servicemembers make up 17% of the Armed Forces and 10% of Veterans. It is likely that urogynecologists have encountered and will continue to encounter these individuals in their training and practices. This will continue increasing as Congress mandates continued closure of numerous military facilities and increasing referrals to civilian community providers. Thus, it is critical for all providers to be familiar with the unique needs of this large population. Service members and veterans that require urogynecologic care have unique health needs due to the complex interplay between military-specific factors such as combat and deployment, environmental exposures, minority status in the military and, most especially, military sexual trauma (MST). Dr. Acevedo Alvarez has 4 years of experience practicing FPMRS in a VA setting and is passionate about optimizing care for women at the VA. Captain McDermott shares her own experience in the U.S. Army, as a resident of obstetrics and gynecology at Womack Army Medical Center and as a Sexual Assault Medical Advocate.
Learning Objectives:
Understand how lower urinary tract symptoms and pelvic floor disorders impact servicewomen and veterans
Understand how experiences that are unique to servicewomen and veterans, such as military sexual trauma, impacts urogynecological care
Become familiar with trauma-informed best practices, such as targeted screening, when treating servicemembers