Opioid Prevention Initiative Detective- Bureau of Drug Enforcement
St. Louis County Police Department
St. Louis, Missouri
Melody Quinn is the Opioid Prevention Initiative Detective of the St. Louis County Police Department - Bureau of Drug Enforcement. She has worked in law enforcement for over 15 years. Melody has her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, and her Master’s Degree in Business. Her passion is to help bring prevention and education to the minority and immigrant communities in the greater St. Louis region that have limited resources. She was the first Detective in Missouri to be educated on and able to distribute Naloxone education and medication to the public. Her efforts in prevention and education encompass St. Louis County, St. Louis City, and Jefferson County where she actively participates in a number of drug prevention coalitions. Melody is on the board of Alliance for Healthy Communities and the Jefferson County Drug Prevention Coalition. She is the President of St. Louis CRUSH (Community Resources United to Stop Heroin) that aims to bring culturally appropriate information, resources, and education about Opioid Use Disorder and Substance Use Disorder to the greater St. Louis Area.
Monday, May 1, 2023
4:15 PM – 5:15 PM