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NMEMC 2023 Recordings

To Buy Recordings of NMEMC 2023 – please click here.

($599 for complete recordings. Tribal Nations & Indigenous Peoples Officials: first 50 get FREE access after which time a nominal fee is charged). 

Explore the full AGENDA with Speakers

List of Recorded Sessions Available

Connecting mitigation, conservation and restoration markets — wetlands, streams, carbon, water quality and quantity and related environmental markets — to improve resiliency and sustainability with increased investment through collaboration on resources, process and practice, technology, transparency, efficiency, and accountability.

Twenty-six years ago, this annual event was first held as the first “how-to” conference on mitigation banking in Washington, D.C. Led by a diverse steering committee, the National Mitigation & Environmental Markets Conference (formerly called the National Mitigation & Ecosystem Banking Conference) is a powerful, independent, and balanced platform that is the “must attend event” for those involved with the mitigation, restoration and conservation of species, wetlands and streams, water quality and quantity, carbon and related environmental markets.

Attendees of NMEMC 2023 – please login at top right corner with your access key.  (forgot key?  just input your email used for registration and it will be emailed to you).

For additional information or questions, please email us at