Infection Preventionist
Michigan Medicine, University of MI
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Wendy Littlejohn, MT(ASCP), CIC, Infection Preventionist (IP), University of Michigan (UM) Infection Prevention & Epidemiology (IPE). Wendy entered the world of infection prevention in 2012 while working at a large ambulatory physician organization based in Ann Arbor, MI. In 2017 she joined UM as an IP initially focusing on the ambulatory setting and later expanding her role to include inpatient acute care. Wendy currently covers a mix of ambulatory clinics, inpatient hospital units (Inpatient Rehabilitaition, Cardiology, and Women's including the Women's OR) and ancillary clinical services (Pharmacy, Pathology, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation). She currently leads C-Section and Hysterectomy SSI workgroups. Wendy sits on a variety of committees within UM, including the Accreditation and Regulatory Readiness Council, Ambulatory Care Regulatory Advisory Committee, Sterilization and Disinfection Subcommittee, High Level Disinfection Workgroup, Pharmacy Compounding Compliance Team, and Pharmacy Enviromental Monitoring Committee.
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose