Presenter: Bill Jelen, MCT, MVP (he/him/his) – MrExcel Publishing
Education, Training and Competencies
Presenter: Bill Jelen, MCT, MVP (he/him/his) – MrExcel Publishing
### he/him/hisPresenter: Maureen P. Spencer, M.Ed, BSN, RN, CIC, FAPIC (she/her/hers) – Infection Preventionist Consultants
Co-Presenter: Kathy L. Warye, BS (she/her/hers) – Infection Prevention Partners
Co-Presenter: Jennifer A. Wagner, PhD – Prism Environmental Health and Safety Solutions, Inc.
Co-Presenter: Damon Greeley, PE, CEM, HFDP, CBCP, EDAC, CHFM, a-IPC – OnSite-LLC
Co-Presenter: Mary Kay Foster, BSN, RN, CIC, NHDP-BC – Indiana University Health-Academic Health Center
Environment of Care
Presenter: Maureen P. Spencer, M.Ed, BSN, RN, CIC, FAPIC (she/her/hers) – Infection Preventionist Consultants
### she/her/hers @@@ Kathy L. Warye, BS (she/her/hers) – Infection Prevention Partners ### 235783###Co-Presenter###Founder and Principal###Infection Prevention Partners###Co-Presenter: Kathy L. Warye, BS (she/her/hers) – Infection Prevention Partners
### she/her/hers @@@ Jennifer A. Wagner, PhD – Prism Environmental Health and Safety Solutions, Inc. ### 48655###Co-Presenter###Founder and Infection Prevention Consultant###Prism Environmental Health and Safety Solutions, Inc.###Co-Presenter: Jennifer A. Wagner, PhD – Prism Environmental Health and Safety Solutions, Inc.
### @@@ Damon Greeley, PE, CEM, HFDP, CBCP, EDAC, CHFM, a-IPC – OnSite-LLC ### 906857###Co-Presenter###Hospital Facilities Engineer###OnSite-LLC###Co-Presenter: Damon Greeley, PE, CEM, HFDP, CBCP, EDAC, CHFM, a-IPC – OnSite-LLC
### @@@ Mary Kay Foster, BSN, RN, CIC, NHDP-BC – Indiana University Health-Academic Health Center ### 705366###Co-Presenter###Special Pathogens Program Manager###Indiana University Health-Academic Health Center###Co-Presenter: Mary Kay Foster, BSN, RN, CIC, NHDP-BC – Indiana University Health-Academic Health Center
###Presenter: Chaz Rhone, MPH, CIC, FAPIC – HCA Healthcare, North Florida Division
Co-Presenter: Sara Townsend, MS-HQS, CIC, FAPIC (she/her/hers) – Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Co-Presenter: Molly Hale, MPH, CIC, FAPIC (she/her/hers) – PeaceHealth
Leadership Development and Program Management
Presenter: Chaz Rhone, MPH, CIC, FAPIC – HCA Healthcare, North Florida Division
### @@@ Sara Townsend, MS-HQS, CIC, FAPIC (she/her/hers) – Children's Hospital of Philadelphia ### 361003###Co-Presenter###Infection Prevention Manager###Children's Hospital of Philadelphia###Co-Presenter: Sara Townsend, MS-HQS, CIC, FAPIC (she/her/hers) – Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
### she/her/hers @@@ Molly Hale, MPH, CIC, FAPIC (she/her/hers) – PeaceHealth ### 7228###Co-Presenter###Manager, Infection Prevention###PeaceHealth###Co-Presenter: Molly Hale, MPH, CIC, FAPIC (she/her/hers) – PeaceHealth
### she/her/hers