Ronda Anderson Regional Account Manager HuFriedy Group
Teresa Anderson Infection Preventionist Oneida Comprehensive Health Division
Oluwafemisi Avalos HAI Epidemiologist Texas Department of State Health Services
APIC Chapter Leader, APIC Member, CIC Certified, Can't wait to travel, My Brain Hurts!, Dedicated, Social Butterfly
Olubosede Awoyomi Associate Director Kings County Hospital
Aimee Baerlocher System Director Infection Prevention St. Luke's Health System
William Barlow Registered Nurse Maniilaq Association
Maria D Bermudez Perez Ms Florida Department of Health in Seminole County
First Time Attendee, Can't wait to travel, Foodie, Dedicated, Nature Lover
Keri Broadley Infection Preventionist Cooper University Hospital
Jaime Buchholz Infection Prevention and Control Professional VHA
First Time Attendee, Coffee Connoisseur, Dog Lover, Social Butterfly, Foodie
Deborah Bumblis Registered Nurse Los Robles Hospital and Medical Center
Kenneth Burgess Director of Infection Control & PPrevention Indiana University School of Dentistry
Natalie Bycenski Senior Nurse Manager Community Health Center, Inc.
Samantha Carle Trimbach Infection Prevention Specialist Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services - Infection Control and Prevention/ Healthcare Associated Infection Section
Krista Carpenter Infection Preventionist DANE COUNTY
APIC Member, First Time Attendee
Mary Ann Caruana Infection Preventionist The Mount Sinai Hospital
Christina Cashatt Infection Prevention Nebraska ICAP
CIC Certified, APIC Chapter Leader, Coffee Connoisseur, Dog Lover, Foodie, Wine Lover
Jeffrey Chludzinski Senior Infection Preventionist University of Michigan Health
Rose marie Clarke RN Atrium Health
Jordan Coe Registered Nurse Menominee Tribal Clinic
Carolina Collins Infection Preventionist Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center Lackland AFB, Tx
CIC Certified, APIC Member, APIC Chapter Member, First Time Attendee, Wine Lover, Dog Lover
Helen Crouch Consultant Self Employed
APIC Fellow, CIC Certified, APIC Chapter Member, Coffee Connoisseur, Dog Lover, Feline Fine, Outdoor Enthusiast
Michelle Ann Custodio Registered Nurse USNMRTC Yokosuka
Debbie Dahl MSN, RN, CIC Oklahoma City Indian Clinic
Anne Daniel System Infection Prevention Director WellStar Health System
APIC Member, CIC Certified, Nature Lover, Dedicated, Outdoor Enthusiast, Part-Time Chef
Nancy Dupont Director of Epidemiology UConn Health - John Dempsey Hosp
APIC Chapter Leader, a-IPC Certified, Dog Lover, Bookworm, Wine Lover
Mary Ehly Infection Prevention Manager Thomas Jefferson Hospital’s
Lynn Eichhorn Infection Prevention and Control Nurse Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility - IHS
Julie Eisenhauer Infection Control Officer/Coordinator of Employee Health San Carlos Apache Health Care
APIC Chapter Member, APIC Member, Bookworm, Netflix Lover, Foodie, Still no tech savvy
Lea Fasciano IP Texas Children's Hospital
Cheri Fast Infection Prevention Coordinator SDFMC
Nancy Finch President Diverse Health Consulting LLC
Monica Flores RN-CIC-Infection Prevention and Control William Beaumont Army Medical Center
Mary Fornek System Director Infection Prevention/ Consultant NYC H+H
Melissa Fuller Infection Preventionist OSF St. Francis Medical Center
Jamie Gatzke Registered Nurse Oracle
Kimberly Goitia Infection Prevention Specialist Chicago Department of Health
Russell Grant System Director of Infection Prevention Bassett Healthcare
APIC Member, CIC Certified, LTC-CIP Certified, Outdoor Enthusiast, Dedicated, IP Superstar
Stefka Gueorguiev ICN OMH KFPC
Janene Gumz-Pulaski Assistant IP Program Manager/IP District 1 Indiana Department of Health
Eileen Haag Infection Preventionist Scottish Rite for Children
Sara Hallyburton Infection Preventionist Indiana University Health
APIC Chapter Member, CIC Certified, Speaker, Can't wait to travel, Coffee Connoisseur, Dog Lover
Cynthia Hardy DNP, MBA, RN-Infection Preventionist Indian Health Services-Northern Navajo Medical Center
Jennifer Harrington Infection Control Coordinator Roswell Park Cancer Institute
CIC Certified, APIC Chapter Member
Ouida Hawkins ICN/Coordinator Veterans Affairs Medical Center
APIC Chapter Member, APIC Member, Coffee Connoisseur, Dedicated, IP Superstar, Netflix Lover
TINA HO Nurse Consultant Naval Medical Center San Diego
First Time Attendee, APIC Member, Bookworm, Feline Fine, My Brain Hurts!, Nature Lover
Mary Hodges RN Supervisor for Student Health Services Appalachian State University
CIC Certified, APIC Member, Dog Lover, Dedicated, Nature Lover, Feline Fine
Katharine Hoffman Infection Prevention Community Health Program Manager APIC DFW
Debra Howey Infection Control Nurse Galveston County Health District - Coastal Health and Wellness
CIC Certified, Bookworm, Dog Lover
Claire Jai Director Infection Prevention Banner University Medical Center - Phoenix
Ronald Johnson System Director of Infection Control One Brooklyn Health
Jennifer Jones-Sala Program Manager HuFriedyGroup
LOUCINE KASPARIAN Infection Control Director Emanate Health
APIC Member, CIC Certified
Margaret Kochsmier Infection Preventionist Freeport Health Network (FHN)
APIC Chapter Leader, APIC Committee Member, APIC Member, CIC Certified, Dedicated, Dog Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast, Social Butterfly
Danielle Kurtz Mrs. Orlando Health
Molly Larson Infection Preventionist Hennepin County Medical Center
APIC Member
Michelle Lewis-Lusso Infection Preventionist United Indian Health Services
Tina Liddell Infection Preventionist, CIC St. Bernard's Medical Center
CIC Certified, APIC Member, APIC Chapter Member
Vicky Lindsey Public Health Nurse Consultant II Tennessee Department of Health
CIC Certified, APIC Chapter Member
Shauna M Clark Program Manager - ICAR/Training Lead Public Health - Seattle & King County
Amelia Macalua Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator Methodist Midlothian Medical Center
Lili Mahvash ICP Self Employed
Kristen Manthey Infection Control RN Matheny Med & Educ. Ctr
Jauhara Martinez Infection Control Coordinator Dallah Hospital Nakheel
MINDY MATHEWSON Infection Prevention Specialist Siouxland Community Health Center
Flora McEntee Infection Prevention Coordinator jordan health corporation
Doreen McSharry Director, Infection Control and Safety Hackensack Meridian Health, Palisades Medical Center
APIC Chapter Member, CIC Certified
Elma Faye Miller Infection Control Nurse Naval Hospital Bremerton
APIC Member, Dedicated, Dog Lover, Netflix Lover, Still no tech savvy
Riley Moore Infection Preventionist Ann and Robert H Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
Gail Morchel Consultant Gail Morchel LLC
COLBY MORGAN Infection Prevention and Control Veterans Affairs
Jennifer Morgan CIC Public Health- Seattle and King County
APIC Chapter Member, CIC Certified, First Time Attendee, APIC Member, Bookworm, Coffee Connoisseur, Feline Fine, Part-Time Chef
Beth Morrow Manager Outpatient Infection Prevention Northside Hospital Atlanta
Jean Murray Luminis System Director, Infection Prevention Luminis Health
Kim Murray Infection Preventionist Convenant Health
Jaquelyn Nagy Infection Prevention Coordinator HCA Florida Blake Hospital
Marissa Noyes HAI Epidemiology Research Associate Montgomery County Office of Public Health
Colette Ouellet Director, Infection Prevention and Control Queensway Carleton Hospital
Charlotte Ozuna Data Analyst NYC Health + Hospitals/Harlem
Donna Danielle Parsons Updegraff Manager, Clinical Education Centrak
Sarah Partain Infection Prevention Program Manager Virginia Mason Medical Center
APIC Member, APIC Chapter Leader, CIC Certified, Bookworm, Feline Fine, Nature Lover, My Brain Hurts!
Christine Pate Infection Prevention Consultant Hektoen Institute (Illinois Department of Public Health Grantee)
Manish Patel ICP Hackensack Meridian Health
Lisa Pessolano Infection Preventionist Destiny Training LLC
Kristi Richards Nurse Specalist Infection Control Woodrow Wilson Keeble Memorial Health Care Center
APIC Chapter Member, APIC Member, Dog Lover, IP Superstar, Trouble Maker, Dedicated
Karla Rivera Acosta Mrs Orlando VA Healthcare System
Mary Robinson Registered Nurse Methodist Richardson Medical Center
APIC Member, CIC Certified
Jamie Rubin IPC Program Administrator Maryland Department of Health
Maribel Ruiz Infection Prevention and Control Manager UM Jackson Memorial Hospital
Carol Ruscin Registered Nurse-Infection Control CAVHS
APIC Chapter Member, CIC Certified, First Time Attendee, Coffee Connoisseur, Dog Lover, Can't wait to travel
Susan Ruwe Sr.Infection Preventionist Carle Hospital and Physician Group
Maki Sakamoto Medical And Scientific Affairs Gojo Japan Inc.
Mona Salama Infection Control Practitioner St. Joseph’s Health Centre- Unity Health Toronto
APIC Fellow, CIC Certified, APIC Member, Can't wait to travel, Dedicated, Foodie
Mary Jo Sardella RN Holyoke Health Care
APIC Chapter Member, First Time Attendee
Carley Scheeper Infection Preventionist The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Mary Schimmel Quality Manager UNM Medical Group
Sarah Scobie IP & WCC O'Connor Hospital O'Connor Hospital
First Time Attendee, APIC Member, Can't wait to travel, Dog Lover, Feline Fine, Coffee Connoisseur
Mona Shah Infection Control Practitioner Northshore University
Merewyn Sheeran Infection Preventionist PA DOH
Lori Sherinsky RN WB VAMC
Sheila Shipley Infection Preventionist Kansas City Veterans Administration Medical Center
First Time Attendee, Coffee Connoisseur
Lynn Skelton Multi-Site Director Infection Prevention Advocate Aurora Health
Meghan Spinelli Vice President of Community Services & Infection Control Prevention CompleteCare Health Network
Can't wait to travel, Foodie, Nature Lover, Social Butterfly
Emily Startin Infection Preventionist Logan Health
Barbara Stein Director, Infection Prevention and Control Children's Hospital/King's Daughters
Susanne Stone Infection Prevention Director Montefiore Nyack Hospital
Paul Suits Infection Control Practitoner Upstate Medical Universityl
Robin Sundberg Interim ICP Stanford Children's Hospital
Andrew Sundet Sales/Marketing Manager Clarus Medical
Lo Sze ki Ms Gleneagles hk
Trever Thompson Mr. OhioHealth Mansfield Hospital
APIC Member, CIC Certified, First Time Attendee, Outdoor Enthusiast, Trouble Maker
Brandy Totman RN Infection Preventionist VA Puget Sound Healthcare-American Lake
First Time Attendee, APIC Member, APIC Chapter Member, LTC-CIP Certified, Dedicated, Bookworm, Feline Fine, IP Superstar
Cynthia Tupas Inayan Senior Manager, Infection Prevention Long Island Jewish Medical Center
Subha Varghese Infection Prventionist Morristown Medical Center
APIC Chapter Member, Dog Lover, Nature Lover, Still no tech savvy , Social Butterfly
Winter Viverette Infection Prevention Specialist Chicago Department of Public Health
CIC Certified
Annie Wirtz Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Pharmacist Co-Director Children's Mercy Kansas City
Melissa Woosley Infection Control Nurse VA Hospital
Teresa Yamasaki Risk Management Pt Safety Coordinator The Queen’s Medical Center West O’ahu
APIC Member, CIC Certified, APIC Chapter Member, Can't wait to travel, Foodie, Coffee Connoisseur, Dog Lover