Presentation Description: This session will detail the most common failures within communications centers that lead to litigation, disciplinary actions, terminations, injuries/deaths of callers or first responders, and the loss of public confidence in their 9â€1â€1 center. Areas for discussion will include liability issues, recruitment/testing/hiring, SOPs & protocols, Training, performance evals/QA, corrective action, and redâ€light warning signs. Attendees with receive a "Healthy Comm. Center Checklist" for selfâ€assessment upon returning home. ,
Learning Objectives:
Attendees will be able to identify the most common failures within comm centers that lead to litigation, disciplinary actions, injuries/deaths of caller or first responders and the loss of public confident in their centers.
Attendees will learn the common problem issues within seven areas of center management, to include recruitment/hiring, training, supervision, SOPS & Protocols, performance evals/QA, and planning/management errors or omissions.
Attendees will learn the most common litigations issues facing centers, ref-flag warning signs to watch for, and receive a Healthy Comm Center Checklist for use at their centers.