Presentation Description: The Department of Homeland Security's Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program (P25 CAP) is a formal, independent process for ensuring communications equipment declared by the supplier actually is P25-compliant and tested against the standards with publicly published results. Join us for a discussion on the latest updates to the P25 CAP. You will hear about progress made on on Console Subsystem Interface (CSSI) and RF Subsystem Interface (ISSI)conformance testing and the implementation of new manufacturer policy related requirements. Additionally, the panel will explore the intersection of P25 systems and FirstNet including how to ensure interoperability.
Learning Objectives:
At the culmination of this session, public safety participants will be made aware of the Approved (Grant-Eligible) Equipment List that DHS' Science &Technology Directorate- (S&T) maintains including the testing requirements that equipment must pass in order to appear and maintain approved status.
At the culmination of this session, P25 equipment manufacturers will better understand how they can participate and maintain active status within the program so their equipment remains on the Approved (Grant-Eligible) Equipment List.
At the culmination of this session, participants will understand the state of current P25 CAP priorities such as conformance testing for ISSI/CSSI equipment-, as well as how S&T is helping to ensure interoperability of P25 systems with FirstNet.