Post Doctoral Fellow
University of British Columbia, BC, Canada
I received my Bachelor degree in Mechanical engineering from the Myongji University, Korea and M.S. in mechanical engineering in the Myongji University, korea. During the master, I've been developed a micromixer and micro actuators based on EWOD (electro-wetting on dielectric).
I've received my Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia-Vancouver, Canada. I've been developed a novel single cell transcriptome sequencing technique during my Ph.D. I'm currently working as Post Doctoral Fellow in the UBC MECH/BioMed. My research focused on providing efficient techniques for single-cell RNA analysis on rare cells and rare cellular events. Currently working on mRNA analysis of CAR-T cells in time-lapse.
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Monday, February 7, 2022
2:50 PM – 3:00 PM