Rachelle Adams Assistant Professor The Ohio State University
ESA Member, Hymenoptera1, SysEB Section, North Central Branch, Working On The Porch, Nature Lover
Skye Austin Shenandoah University
Hannah Bodmer University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
North Central Branch, SysEB Section, Diptera
Michael Branstetter Research Entomologist USDA-ARS Pollinating Insects Research Unit
Megan DuVal Undergraduate Researcher University of Utah
SysEB Section, New Member, Student Member, Hymenoptera1, Nature Lover, Sci-Fi Junkie, First Time Attendee
Katherine Geist Postdoctoral Researcher Iowa State University
Josiah Kilburn Morehead State University; Morehead State Entomology Club
Erick Martinez Agriculture Engineer the Ohio State University
North Central Branch, PBT Section, Diptera, Part-Time Chef, Foodie, Social Butterfly
Rodolfo Probst Postdoctoral Fellow University of Utah
Guillermo Valero David PhD Candidate The Ohio State University
Debra Wertman PhD Candidate Forest Insect Disturbance Ecology Lab (FIDEL), Forest and Conservation Sciences, University of British Columbia