Presenting Author
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
We stay focused and increase our performance when we do something we like. For me, the biomedical field brings the innovation and satisfaction that I need to continue with the research. I appreciate the work done so far and I hope to do my part in ensuring that effective and affordable treatments are available.
I was born in Constanta, Romania, in a small family that did its best to support my dreams. My curiosity and compassion deeply rooted in my nature, drove the decision to enroll in the University of Biomedical Engineering (Polithechical University of Bucharest). I wanted to fight the deasises and make life a litte bit better for those in need. But this was just the beginning. I soon understand that there is much more to it, and I was ready for the next challenge. I decided to accept a scholarship and move to Paris, where I graduated with a MSc in Medical Engineering (University of Paris Descartes). Following an internship in Maastricht, The Netherlands, at the Institute of Technology and Regenerative Medicine, which introduced me to the field of regenerative medicine and molecular biology, I decided that I want to dedicate my career to medical research and I moved to Switzerland for a PhD in Medical Sciences.
I am now about to gradute and I am looking forward to the next challange.