Presenting Author
University of Michigan
Harihar Mohan is a third-year PhD candidate in the Cellular and Molecular Biology program at the University of Michigan. He has a Master's in Microbiology and Immunology also from the University of Michigan. He is presently interested in understanding how protein-protein interactions shape the biology of ubiquilins which are key players in protein quality control. Ubiquilin dysfunction is implicated in multiple neurodegenerative diseases including ALS/FTD and Huntington's disease. In particular, Harihar seeks to determine the role of a novel ubiquilin interactor of unknown function, RTL8, in ubiquilin biology. Currently, Harihar uses immortalized cell lines to answer his research questions and is looking to transition into more disease-relevant models such as iPSC-derived neurons. Harihar is planning to graduate in Fall 2024 and is starting to look for postdoctoral positions.