Presenting Author
Massachusetts General Hospital
Amity Eaton is currently a post-doctoral research fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Dennis Brown in the Program for Membrane Biology in the Nephrology Division at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, MA. Her main research interests include all aspects of epithelial cell biology and physiology. Her research training has focused on the cellular signaling pathways and molecular mechanisms regulating pathophysiological ion movement across a variety of epithelial tissues. Her current project involves investigating the mechanisms of V-ATPase-dependent acid-base balance in kidney intercalated cells. In particular, she is interrogating the function of a newly discovered class of V-ATPase interacting proteins, the TLDc proteins, using animal models in addition to advanced microscopy and biochemical techniques.
Amity received her PhD in cellular biology and molecular physiology from the University of Pittsburgh in 2019 under the mentorship of Dr. Gerard Apodaca. There she studied the membrane trafficking pathways that govern the bladder epithelium’s response to forces experienced during filling and voiding. Prior to her dissertation work, Amity received her B.A. in Political Science with a focus on classical political theory from Emory University. She subsequently discovered her love for biomedical research during her two years of work as a research specialist at Emory examining the regulation of Epithelial Na+ Channel (ENaC) activity by PKC in epithelial cells from the kidney and lung.
When she isn’t in the lab, Amity enjoys playing tennis and lifting weights, growing veggies in the Malden community garden, and curling up on the sofa with a good (non-scientific) book and her two cats.