Presenting Author
University of Calgary, Canada
University of Sofia, Bulgaria
- B.Sc. in Chemistry (2004)
- M.Sc. in Computational Chemistry (2005) - under the supervision of Prof. Alia Tadjer
University of Calgary, Canada
- PhD in Quantum Chemistry (2013) - under the supervision of Prof. Tom Ziegler
- Eyes High Postdoctoral fellowship and AIHS Postgraduate fellowship (2014-2019) - under the supervision of Prof. Sergei Noskov
- Research Associate (2019 - current) - under the supervision of Prof. Sergei Noskov and Prof. Peter Tieleman
My scientific interests include computational modelling of transmembrane transport by secondary transporters with various computational methods, ranging from quantum chemistry to classical and statistical mechanics. In my previous work I have studied the ion binding in proteins like NCKX and NIS with Molecular dynamics simulations and various other methods. My current focus is on the anion transporters from the SLC4 family, which I study with a combination of methods, including all atom and coarse grained molecular dynamics, Site identification through Ligand Competitive Saturation, free energy calculations with classical and quantum chemical methods, protonation studies with constant pH MD and other methods, biased MD methods for assessment of the conformational transitions underpinning ion translocation, and others. I am collaborating with the research team of Prof. Ira Kurtz at the UCLA, who works on cryoEM resolution of new SLC4 structures and functional mutagenesis measurements. Together, we hope to shed light into the determinants of ion transport modes in the SLC4 family.