Presenting Author
My name is Quoc-Anh Tran and I am currently a thrid year pharmacy student at California Northstate University. My main goal is to obtain a fellowship with an pharmaceutical company after graduation in the clinical development department. I wish to continue my passion in research as a pharmacist and continue the edeavor of discovering new thearaputic drugs. My passion in research began when I was first deciding on what major to choose when starting my undergrad at Sacramento State University. I decided to major in Biochemistry due to my interests in biological substances and their potential benefits to help people. During one of my organic chemistry lab courses, I was able to practice lab techniques to isolate and purify certain chemicals through column chromatography or TLC chromatography based on their chemical features. I was so fascinated by everything that was done in the lab that I was eager to attend each session and realized that lab work was my passion. Fortunately, my professor at the time noticed my enthusiasm and offered me a chance to join his research team.
In pharmacy school, I decided to pursue research at a graduate level in biomedical field. I began pursuing my interest by volunteering to work with my current research mentor Dr. Ho and learning the basics lab techniques associated with her research as well as reading papers to better understand the research problem being addressed. Initially I shadowed another student working on a project for Dr. Ho, but quickly was given my own experiments to work on independently. After volunteering with her for a semester, I decided that I want to continue to do research at a graduate level and applied and received the Summer Research Fellowship Program. During this program, I was able to start my own project and with mentorship from Dr. Ho to investigate the effects of astragaloside IV and formononetin and their potential antioxidative properties.
Research has a valuable long-term impact on me and have greatly impact my skillsets in producing high-quality projects throughout my pharmacy career. I am fortunate to have the unique opportunity to work alongside one of the top professors at CNUCOP while greatly enhancing my abilities to become a researcher myself. I strive to have a research manuscript published before my graduation in 2023.