Presenting Author
Dr. Rebustini received Ph.D. in Biochemistry from University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), was a Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow at NIDCR-NIH (USA, 2004-2009), and an Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School (USA, 2011-2016). He joined NEI-NIH as a Staff Scientist in the Section of Protein Structure and Function, Laboratory of Retinal Cell and Molecular Biology in 2020. His expertise includes Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Molecular and Cell Biology, Super Resolution Microscopy, and specialized laboratory techniques such as organ dissections and preparation of tissue explants for functional screening of regulatory molecules, RNA interference and drug delivery, nanoparticle- and liposome-based cellular transfections, genomics and proteomics, microRNA biology, mouse and human genetics, stem cells therapy and gene editing approaches.