Presenting Author
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Arthur Chow is a Ph.D. candidate in the laboratory of Arvin Dar at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He was born and raised in Tracy, California. He completed his B.S. in Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Merced, and performed research in the labs of Dr. Jennifer Manilay at UC Merced, and Dr. Jeoung-Sook Shin at UC San Francisco as a part of the UC LEADS and UCSF SRTP program. Upon completion of his degree, he worked as a research technician in the lab of Dr. Michael Kharas at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) where he explored the role of musashi-2 in the progression of acute myeloid leukemia. He joined Mount Sinai’s cancer biology MTA as a graduate student in Dr. Arvin Dar’s lab where he currently develops chemical probes of kinase suppressor of ras 1 (KSR1) and studies its role in the adaptive resistance to MAPK blockade. He is enthusiastic about his project and firmly believes that science should always be fun and challenging. Outside of research, Arthur enjoys cycling on his road and gravel bikes while making it a point to stop at every possible coffee shop along the way.