Presenting Author
Syracuse University
I am currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Associate investigating the role of Ubiquilin homeostasis in neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases like ALS under the mentorship of Professor Carlos CastaƱeda in Syracuse University. Using biomolecular NMR, small angle X-ray scattering, mass spectrometry and other biophysical techniques I am studying the molecular driving forces of liquid-liquid phase separation of proteasomal shuttle factor Ubiquilin2 (UBQLN2). Additionally, I am studying how ubiquitination can modulate the phase separation properties of these proteins.
I obtained my Ph.D. in electroanalytical chemistry from Department of Chemistry, University at Albany- SUNY with Professor Gerd-Uwe Flechsig. There, I have four years of experience in Bioelectrochemistry and bioelectronics of macromolecules, focusing on biosensor development by immobilizing DNA/RNA probe layers on gold electrodes to detect redox active small drug molecules.