Presenting Author
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
I grew up in Poznan, Poland, and obtained a MSc. degree in Chemistry from Adam Mickiewicz University in 2012. Later that year, I began my PhD program in Bioorganic Chemistry at the same University. There, my research was focused on the synthesis of novel resveratrol esters. In 2016, I was awarded a grant from Kosciuszko Foundation to further investigate the biological activity of synthesized compounds at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). This is where I gained an interest in cancer biology and anti-cancer agents. After I received my PhD, I continued my work in Dr. Timothy Chamber's group at UAMS as a post-doctoral fellow to be further promoted to the rank of Instructor. My research interests lie at the interphase of chemistry and cancer biology. I intend to tackle the most pressing issues in cancer biology - how to target and therapeutically intervene to disrupt cancer stem cell functionality (self-renewal, drug resistance, tumor recurrence after therapy, and metastatic spread to distant organs). I am especially interested in breast cancer biology and discovery of novel small molecules with anti-breast cancer properties. I am particularly focused on the anti-cancer stem cell activity of polyether ionophore antibiotics and their derivatives. My current research project include development of 3D tumor organoid models to better mimic tumor architecture and to facilitate rapid screening of small molecule drug candidates selectivity against cancer stem cells. In my spare time I enjoy practicing yoga and traveling.