Track: Cardiovascular
Track: Drug Discovery and Development
Track: Molecular Pharmacology
Vladlen Slepak
University of Miami
Jennifer Pluznick
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the arguably the most important drug target. About 50% of the ~800 GPCRs belong to the families of olfactory and taste receptors. While they were originally cloned from sensory organs, in the past decade expression of these genes was discovered in many other tissues. Technical difficulties with functional expression of these receptors in vitro and unavailability of tools for their analysis impeded progress in this field for many years. This session will highlight recent advances facilitating investigations of these understudied GPCRs and insights into their physiological functions, pharmacology and potential role in human disease.
Speaker: Vladlen Slepak – University of Miami
Speaker: Blythe Shepard – Georgetown University
Presenting Author: Ying-Jie Peng – University of Chicago
Speaker: Jennifer Pluznick – Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Presenting Author: Jiaojiao Xu – Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Speaker: Alexey Pronin – University of Miami School of Medicine