The synthesis and storage of neutral lipids, such as triglycerides, are crucial for both cellular and physiological energy homeostasis. When fuels are abundant, triglycerides are synthesized in the ER by DGAT enzymes and subsequently stored in cytosolic organelles called lipid droplets. In the Farese amp; Walther laboratory, we study the molecular processes that govern the synthesis of energy storage lipids as well as their storage in and mobilization from lipid droplets. We will discuss our studies on genetic factors controlling triglyceride synthesis, lipid droplet formation and growth, lipid droplet protein targeting, and relevant aspects of the physiology of lipid storage and lipid excess.
This work was supported by NIH grants; R01 DK124913, 1R01GM141050-0, R01GM124348lt;igt;, lt;/igt;R01GM097194, Pfizer, and HHMI grant.