Clinical and Forensic Audiologist
Auditory Disorders and Balance Laboratory, Inc.
Dana Point, California, United States
Dr. Colucci has forty-seven years of clinical, industrial, and forensic practice in audiology (B.A., 1973; M.A., Ohio University 1974; Au.D., Central Michigan University 2004; ABAC 1999). Dr. Colucci's experience includes evaluating and treating newborn, pediatric, adult, and geriatric patients with various hearing and balance disorders. These include newborn hearing screening, balance testing and rehabilitation, electrophysiology, amplification, and CAPD evaluations. In addition to clinical experience, Dr. Colucci provides evidence-based support for industry, physicians, attorneys, and government agencies.
Industrial audiology services include worker's compensation determinations, OSHA hearing conservation management, and fetal noise protection for the petroleum industry. In 2010, Dr. Colucci presented his paper on "Fetal Noise Protection in Reproductive Health" at the British Petroleum U.S. Health Conference. Dr. Colucci consulted for the City of Los Angeles and others to assist police and fire departments with fitness for duty examinations, noise exposure, environmental acoustics training, amplification, and hearing protection for weapons and heavy equipment. For fifteen years, Dr. Colucci has been the consultant and worker's compensation audiologist for Chevron, thirteen years for the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, including SWAT, and 20 years for Care Onsite, an industrial management company.
In addition to clinical and industrial experience, Dr. Colucci provides expert witness service for Fortune 500 companies, municipalities, the Veterans Administration, and individuals. Dr. Colucci has evaluated over 250 Worker's Compensation Cases and nearly 60 expert witness cases for state and federal, civil, and criminal courts. Specialty areas include hearing and neck injuries, noise-induced hearing loss, tinnitus, hyperacusis, OSHA, airbag and blast injuries, fitness for duty, hearing devices, TBI, ADA, and malpractice.
Teaching experience includes courses at state and national academies on various topics and teaching classes at California State Universities at Fullerton and Los Angeles. Dr. Colucci published forty-eight articles in his column "Hearing Matters" in The Hearing Journal on numerous issues in audiology. Additionally, he has appeared in Forbes, Men's Health, M.D. News, and the Health Channel. Dr. Colucci has been the guest speaker at the Fellows of the Howard House Foundation and the House Ear Institute.
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Non-Financial Disclosures: I do not have any relevant non-financial relationships with anything to disclose.