Investigator, Research Health Scientist
Denver/Seattle Center of Innovation, Department of Veterans Affairs
Vail, CO, United States
Heather Gilmartin, PhD, NP is an investigator and research health scientist with the Denver/Seattle Center of Innovation for Veteran-Centered and Value Driven Care, VA Eastern Colorado Healthcare System, an assistant professor at the University of Colorado, School of Public Health, and associate director of dissemination and implemenation at the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute. Her research focuses on understanding and optimizing the culture of healthcare to enhance patient safety and facilitate organizational learning through the implementation of behavioral interventions such as bundles, mindfulness, relational coordination and Crew Resource Management. She received her undergraduate degree from Boston College, her master’s degree from Yale University, and her doctorate from the University of Colorado.
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.