Harm Reduction Law Enforcement Consultant
North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Ronald Martin is a board member and currently works as a part-time law enforcement consultant for the North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition. He is a retired Law Enforcement Professional with over 20 years of experience in the New York City Police Department. He supports the incorporation of harm reduction and evidence-based practices within the law enforcement community by teaching officers about diversion programs, overdose prevention, needle-stick safety, the administration of naloxone, and the benefits of syringe exchange programs. He promotes equal stakeholder relationships between public and behavioral health officials, rural community initiatives, and faith-based programs. He advocates for increased dialogue between people who use drugs, sex workers, and law enforcement to create safer communities. In his spare time, he enjoys watching sports and all films that are science fiction, horror, or those that include comic book superheroes.
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.