Timothy Donley, DDS, MSD
Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States
Timothy Donley, DDS, MSD, is currently in the private practice of Periodontics and Implantology in Bowling Green, KY. Dr. Donley is a sought-after speaker whose courses are always highly rated. His forte lies in taking the latest research and packaging it in a way that makes sense. Dentistry Today recently listed him among its Leaders in Continuing Education. Dr. Donley co-authored the first-ever comprehensive textbook on ultrasonic debridement. He lectures and publishes frequently on topics of interest to clinical dentists and hygienists. He is Co-Director of the ACS-PD study, which is designed to determine the effect that eliminating periodontal inflammation has on recurrent rates of acute coronary syndrome. He is the Director of Collaboration for Change 2030, which is an international effort to co-create a better way forward for dentistry and dental hygiene. Dr. Donley firmly believes that the most important health care provider that a patient can partner with for life, if that patients wants to achieve a maximum level of wellness, is a dental hygienist.
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