Presenting Author University of Bisha, Bayero University Kano
The application of fingerprint white line count (fWLC) in the area of determination of identity is not well investigated in Hausa population of Nigeria. The aim of the present study was to define the hierarchy of heterogeneity of digits in expression of fWLC among Hausa population of Kano state, Nigeria. A total of 285 participants (140 males and 145 females) of Hausa ethnic origin with mean age of 21.56 ± 1.84 (18 – 25) years were involved in the study. A live scan was used to capture the fingerprints from the ten digits for determination of secondary fingerprint associated epidermal creases, fWLC. The most heterogeneous digits in fWLC expression were right index and left ring, followed by left thumb. Left index, right little, right middle and right thumb shared common heterogeneity with significant variation with only two digits. For the left little, left middle, and right ring, the digits were homogenous in expression of fWLC except for at most with one digit. In conclusion, the right index digit was defined as the most heterogeneous digit in fWLC expression among Hausa population of Kano state Nigeria. Hence, attention needs to be given to this digit for different purposes including forensic, diagnosis among others.
Table1: Descriptive statistics of the fingerprint white line count of the study population; Table 2: Mean difference in fingerprint white line count between the digits among the study population