Session: 865 APS Microbiome of the GI tract Poster Session
(865.3) Characterizing the Real-Time Endogenous Methane Release in a Rat for 26-days: Effect of Diets, Fasting, and Ethanol Consumption Across Different Time Scales
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
10:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall A-B - Pennsylvania Convention Center
Poster Board Number: E190
Kenneth McKenna (Sable Systems International), John Lighton (Sable Systems International), Marshall McCue (Sable Systems International)
Introduction: Methane is a byproduct of methanogenic archaea that oxidize H2 gas produced by other microflora in the gut. This methane gas is readily absorbed into the into systemic circulation and excreted in the breath down its concentration gradient (similar to CO2) or may be acutely expelled as flatus. While ruminant animals can generate over 100 liters of methane per day, technological limitations have precluded detailed measurements of methane production and release in humans and other non-ruminants.
Methods: We paired a Promethion metabolic measurement system with a high-precision (lt;1ppb) methane analyzer capable of real-time methane measurements in an individual mouse or rat. We then subjected a rat to multiple diet switches, 48h of fasting, and ethanol treatments and continuously measured food/water intake, metabolic rate, and methane release over 26 days.
Results: VCO2 responses were unaffected by diet changes and only decreased slightly during the fasting treatment. Methane release was diminished by some diet treatments and could be restored by others. Ethanol had no observable effects. We discovered that methane production generally followed a circadian cycle whereby total rates were ~50% higher and large flatus events were more frequent during the scotophase. Methane release during flatus varied by gt;1,000-fold ranging from as little as 0.1 up to 60μl/min. Integrating the continuous data stream (at 1 Hz) we confirmed that the vast majority of methane release occurred in the breath and not in the flatus as is often repeated in the literature. Finally, we provide evidence that the constitutive rate of methane release in the breath is positively correlated with rates of CO2 release, the latter of which is indicative of overall activity levels of the rat.
Conclusion: Given the growing number of molecular-based studies investigating how gut microbiota can alter physiological function at higher levels of biological organization the approach of using real-time methane measurements promises to provide a powerful new tool to establish causal linkages between microbiome dynamics and whole-animal responses.
A real-time continuous recording of endogenously produced methane evolution, metabolic rate, and food/water intake of an adult female rat over 26 days. Shaded regions indicate dark hours, and food and water manipulations are specified along the top of the graph.