Pulmonary diseases are associated with changes in metabolism. Cellular metabolism is dynamically regulated by signaling cascades at molecular levels and associated with the pathology at organ level. Improved understanding of cellular metabolism is necessary to investigate its role in disease and identify the potential targets for therapy. We have developed a real-time method to adapt to Agilent XFe96 metabolic analyzer for precision-cut lung slices (PCLS) so that compound effects on metabolism can be screened across multiple technical replicates. PCLS were cut in 3 mm maximum diameter to allow for fitting and adhering to XFe96 plate wells, which were pre-coated with matrix gel. Once the PCLS were attached to the well bottom, the XFe96 cartridge probe can hold the tissue to measure, since the measurement volume is about 2-6 µl, 200 micrometers (µm) above the lung tissue. This method generated reproducible oxygen consumption and extracellular acidification data in precision-cut lung slices. We have optimized the conditions of oligomycin (OM) and Trifluoromethoxy carbonylcyanide phenylhydrazone (FCCP), rotenone and antimycin A to produce precision measurements. We have been able to utilize this technique to establish baseline metabolic rates for extracellular acidification and oxygen consumption and the dependency of those rates on mitochondrial function. In comparison with current cellular metabolic measurements, this method measures the whole tissue instead of an individual cell population. We have utilized this method to measure the effects of LPS treatment on PCLS metabolic function. Specifically, we have been able to demonstrate that LPS treatment not only leads to increased nitric oxide production in PCLS, but also reduces both glycolysis and spare respiratory capacity (SRC). This new method allows for the investigation of lung metabolism ex vivo and the screening of therapeutic targets for their interaction with lung metabolism.