Physiology is a complex course that summarizes various aspects of basic medical science. Physiology is integrative, and requires logical causal thinking. Therefore, the innovation of interactive learning methods centered on learners is needed. An interactive physiology domino cards has been developed. The inventors focus on the topics of the heart system.
As inspired by dominoes, a set of 28 cardio-physiology cards (CPC) contains 56 statements has been developed. The development was conducted through 16 steps of 4D model. Stands of define, design, development, and dissemination provided by Thiagarajan (1974). Physical prototype has been ready and has been tested to measure knowledge and practically level among medical students. Students were divided into experiments and controls. The experiment group (n=32) was conducting learning through dominoes in addition to lectures. The control group (n=31) was following learning through lectures and open questions independent tasks.
The MCQ-test showed that the domino group had a better level of knowledge than the controls (plt;0.001). The average n-gain of the domino group was 68.3±7.1, higher than the control group of 54.4±6.7. The Likert’s scale of practicality feedback from experiment group gave a score between near to firmly agree (4.5±0.6).
Cardio-physiology domino was effective to improve student outcomes. The domino also practical as a fun media of learning. Currently, the prototype is being developed in the form of a web-based computer program with a JavaScript programming language supported by HTML and CSS.