ASLA uses an electronic tracking system for education programs to provide attendance verification. A label is affixed to your conference badge that will track all of the sessions you attend when you enter a session room. Do not remove this label from your badge; otherwise you will not receive credit. To be counted, attendees must arrive within the first 15 minutes of a session and stay until the session concludes.
Following the conference, an attendee may obtain a certificate providing proof of the PDH earned. Attendance certification based on this data will be available from the time you are at the conference, and will remain active on the ASLA website for 6 years.
While accessing your attendance report, you will need to submit feedback for individual sessions you attended. You can quickly and easily do this by clicking on the icon in front of each course listing. Only sessions in which the survey has been completed will appear on your transcript. Your evaluation is critical to the development and improvement of future education programs.
The exact number of hours accepted for licensure purposes may vary by state, but ASLA has made every effort to structure educational opportunities that adhere to the most widely acknowledged guidelines of state registration boards requiring continuing education. Specific questions should be directed to your state licensing board.
Past conference attendance records can be found here.
Note: ASLA cannot alter attendance records that are more than 6 months old.