Cannabinoids (particularly cannabidiol, CBD), is increasingly being used by pets owners for a variety of conditions in animals. However, as no Cannabis herbal extracts are currently approved by regulatory agencies for veterinary use, a wide variety of unapproved products and formulations are used by pet owners. Evidence of cannabinoid efficacy and safety in pets is generally lacking for most such cannabinoid products, for most therapeutic conditions. Widespread interest in cannabinoid usage has spurred recent clinical trials evaluating CBD products for osteoarthritis, epilepsy, and behavior modification in pets. Other studies have assessed the safety of varying cannabinoid dose regimens in animals. This session will highlight the most recent published clinical evidence regarding cannabinoid efficacy and safety in dogs and cats.
Learning Objectives:
Understand what specific conditions in dogs and cats have currently been evaluated regarding cannabinoid efficacy.
Recognize the dose-dependent clinical and laboratory signs of cannabinoid-associated adverse events.
Effectively communicate to clients the risks and potential benefits of cannabinoid usage for specific conditions and formulations in animals.